1. Cooking Stream

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As I shut off the alarm you pull the blanket over me to cover myself from the light like some kind of vampire. I check the time and it's 10:30 and the 31st of October. Then I remembered. THE HALLOWEEN STREAM TODAY! I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth for two minutes and took a shower with warm water. Even if I didn't like it I needed to stay clean. I got out and did my skin care routine as I always do. I needed to be quick because I had a nail appointment for the Halloween cooking stream today at 3 pm. I got dressed in a brown hoodie and a white skirt that went half way down my thigh and I was ready to be cat called today. You see what I did there? You know what, whatever. As I was walking to the salon I decided on little ghost nails!

 As I was walking to the salon I decided on little ghost nails!

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And u were also right about the cat calls. I was only two minutes away and a guy on the other side of the street cat called me. To be honest he was kinda ugly. I just ignored it and kept walking but it went south really quick! He crossed the road and grabbed my wrist.
"Hello beautiful"
"Umm excuse me?"
"You heard me"
"You need to leave me alone , sorry not sorry!" As I said that sentence I got my wrist out of his grip and kept on walking. But apparently he did not like that and shoved me against the wall nearby. Now I saw Red.
"You thought you could leave so soon?" He said getting closer trying to scare me but it didn't work because it takes a lot to scare me!
"I. Said. To. Leave. Me. The. FUCK. ALONE!"and with that said I kneed him in the stomach and ran. Lucky another pro from cats is that I can run up to 30mph. After I got to the salon it was a miracle I wasn't late to get my nails done.


When I got home it was now 2pm. I had an hour to get my kitchen set up, get all the ingredients and put on my costume. For the stream today I was going to dress up as a pirate.

(The costume)I got dressed and set everything up I had 10 minutes left

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(The costume)
I got dressed and set everything up I had 10 minutes left. I got my ears clipped back and put the hat on I also hid my tail under my skirt that was wrapped around me. I went to twitch and started the stream with my 'starting soon' screen which had Espeon and purple all over it. The title of the stream was 'Halloween cooking stream' and the chat started rolling in. By now I had 2k people on. They were saying different things like.




are you good Espeon?

How are u doin?!


The screen starts to fade and I'm posing like a pirate with a plastic sword in my right hand in the sky.
"AY AY MATEY!....BAHHAAHAAH"I couldn't hold back my laughter.
"How are we chat, how are we? Good? Ok that's good guy, that's good, so today we are doing some cooking! We will be making some mummy themed food! We will be wrapping sausages in doug- one second guys Wil is calling!" I said as Wilbur joined the call.
" Wilbur, say hi to chat!"
"Hello Espeon's chat!"
"How are you wil?"
"I'm good how are you captain?"
"Hehe I'm good and what's with the captain?"
"Aren't you a pirate?"
"Ah ok that makes more sense!"
"Hah stupid bitch"
"Uh sorry I forgot you're family friendly"
"Ok good now as I was saying before someone called I will be making sausages with dough wrapped around them like little mummies!"
"Hah sausages "
"Seriously Wil?
"I'm joking!"
"Good anyway I need to start making the dough while you chat can ask questions so think this at the q and a bit"
"Oo yes"
User1 has donated €5.99
"How was your day today did anything interesting happen?"
"Umm u got cat called like 3 times and kneed some one in the stomach while going to the nail salon to get them done!"
"I'm sorry what?"
"Yeah I got cat called by a guy that was kinda ugly sorry not sorry when I ignored him he grabbed me by my wrist and called me beautiful when I left his grip he pinned me against a brick wall near by and continued to try and kiss me u told him to leave me alone and guess what?"
"I cursed"
"Wait what?! You cursed at a guy that assaulted you and you won't even say shit in front of you friend of 2 years?!"
"Ok then will I say word for word what I said to him when I sweared?"
"OK Ok! So I said 'I. Said. To. Leave. Me. The. FUCK. ALONE!' yeah no that's what I said word for word heh"
"This is the first time I've heard you swear ever!"
" Well there's a first time for everything I guess!"
User2 has donated €4.99
"How did you meet Wilbur, Espeon?"
"Hah half funny story I guess so what happened was I was going to the store and I noticed that this one guy was following me for like 5 minutes now and I made sure by making like 8 turns and mind you I was 15 at the time so I was getting nervous now and then you'll never guess what I was this 6'3 mother honker on his phone and I was like 'oh let me act like he's my boyfriend' so I walk up to him and I was like 'omg hey Daniel how are you babee' and his face was like what the honk I give him a hint of what's going on his face changes into more like relief and replayed saying ' hey Jessica, love how are youu' and when he hugged me after the guy went away but we just continued to talk and that's just how I met my hero from that weird guy"
"Aww did you just call me you hero?"
"Well from that guy yeah"
"Ok thanks anyway are there any other questions?"
"Umm not yet"
User3 donated €6
"Do you believe in people mixed with animals and the Cat Catastrophe?"
"So do you Wilbur soot?"
"Umm no not really I don't think I believe in a cat person that can kill anyone they want and has killed 87 people with their bare hands, but what about you Espeon?"
"I mean it could be real but without the killing part I don't know?" But you did know. It was real. Well not the killing part you had you use some knives and guns around the lab.
"Hm ok are you done with the dough?"
"Yeah and I also wrapped the sausages in it as well"
User4 has donated €3
"Are you allergic to anything?"
"You guys will never believe it but I'm not allergic to anything but miss ESPEON here is allergic to like 6 DIFFERENT THING! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT CAUSES I CANT?!"
And then chat goes crazy







"Yup chat it's true I'm allergic to 6 different things do you wanna know what they are?? Yes, ok I'm allergic to chocolate and caffeinated drinks alcohol and raw dough grapes and raisins can you believe it?? And if I eat or drink them there is a high chance of dying so I always double check my food!"
"I just am I guess so moving on the food is done!!"
"Oo are the sausages good?"
"Ok now that doesn't really sound good maybe say is the food good next time?"
"Dude you dirty minded might as well ask for sex"
"Oh my lord eww did you forget and that's disgusting?!"
"Oh lord sorry I forgot your Acesexual sorry!"
"Nah it's alrighty at least you aren't assaulting me heh"
"Thanks sorry again"
"It's all good anyway the food is done and the q&a is done and the stream has been like 2 hours so what I'm trying to say is this is the end of today's stream every body! Don't worry I will stream soon and I hope you enjoy you Halloween!! BAII!"

1•4k words

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