16. The red means I love you <3

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After the stream I was able to go home with Geo. I got home and set everything up for her. I decided that I should probably stream. And then an idea popped into my head. I go to my twitch settings and ban both Wilbur and Ranboo but it will only stay like that for a bit. Obviously I'll unban them during the stream I just don't want them to see the plan I have. I went to my set up and got changed into the pajamas. I was still in the outfit from the date I had with Ranboo.

I started my stream but kept it on for three minutes. I took it off and turned on my face cam.
"Hello everyone how are you guys today? I see some good's and bad's but today we are going to do a little prank! So we will be doing a lyrics prank on both Wil and boo and you guys will be picking the songs! Who will we be pranking first huh?........boo......Wil...Wil..Wil.....boo ok I see a lot of Wilbur in the chat so he will be first! Now we just need to pick out a song!" I go onto my phone and go through my playlist on Spotify. Bingo.

"Guys I think I found a song! What if we did the song class fight? It's by Melanie Martinez, and I think it will be just perfect!" I open messages and find Wilbur's contact.

Wilby sooty

It was the middle of class and the teacher wasn't lookin'


Kelly had a fat ass and trouble was cookin'

Who's Kelly?

She had a boy wrapped around her finger tight

Oo who?

I fell in love with him, but he wasn't in my light..

Awe who was it?

The teacher gave me notes to go out and give Kelly

Wait who was the guy you fell in love with?

She was kissin' Brandon I got jelly..

Hey you'll be ok, alright?

I wanted to be in her shoes for one day

Yeah I feel you

I just waited til recess to make her pay

Oh god what did you do/did?

Mommy why do I feel sad?

Wait am i mommy???

Should I give him away or feel this bad?

Hey, hey don't feel bad!

'No,no,no don't you choke'

My bad CHOKE?

Daddy chimed in 'go for the throat'


Go for the throat,for,for the throat'

Pls don't

Daddy chimed in 'go for the throat'

I'm sorry but what kind of father is he??

Go for the throat,for,for the throat

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