6.New Knowledge

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Before I knew it I was asleep in Ranboo's lap. But that was the last thing I could remember from last night.

I woke up in my bedroom... Hugging a very big pillow? I looked up to see that it was actually ranboo and me cuddling. For some reason I went red. The reason that this is weird is because I was also purring. Like very loudly! I put my face back into his chest and got closer. I tried not to wake him up but it didn't work. He stirred a little and groaned. Damn his voice was so deep I could mistake him for, corpse husband.

"Good morning Ranboo, how did you sleep?" I said looking up to him.
"Good morning kitty, I slept very well actually" wait a second...'kitty'? It took him a second to realise what he just said.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you that it was an honest-"
"Hey hey it's ok bud ok? I didn't mind, there was really no need to worry about it!"
"Okk then what do you wanna do today?"
"Hmm how about we see what I can do since I'm literally like half a cat and that I found out I can put like yesterday"
"Oo sounds fun, let's get dressed ok?"
I got out of bed and walked over to the large closet beside my room. It was like a walk in closet. I picked out an oversized ranboo merch hoodie and some shorts. When i went back into my room ranboo wasn't there so I thought he was in the living room. I went to the bathroom I put on light make up. I put on some mascara and eyeliner.

When I was finished I put my makeup away and made my way to the living room

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When I was finished I put my makeup away and made my way to the living room.

"Took you long enough"
"Oh come on it was only twenty minutes dude, are you really that impatient?"
"Kinda and plus I'm excited to see it even hear what you can do as a cat!"
"Huh so the scaredboo is gone now?"
"Well yeah now that I see you don't actually wanna hurt me"
"But that doesn't mean I don't wanna hurt others!" I said joining him on the couch sitting across from him.
"So I don't know how to respond to that looking at how my job literally it to try and keep people alive"
"Wait no not that I would just hurt anyone, I need a reason to like if they're abusive or a killer and stuff like that!"

"Phew! Anyways what do you already know you can do or can't do?"
" Heh this will be the mouth full but first let's do the cons. I am allergic to six thing such as chocolate, caffeinated drinks, alcohol,raw dough,grapes and raisins. Another con is that I'm terrified of dogs and that I don't really like water but I still shower don't worry! I also sleep for like an hour longer than the normal human so in total that's nine hours. And umm this next one is actually quite embarrassing to be honest.."
"Can you control it?"

"Well then I promise I won't judge you! Y'know since you can't control it?"
"Ok fine so this happened only like.. three times ever and so erm,.. umm how do I say this, like every other cat I like ... Go into.. uhh wait do you get what I'm saying?"
"... Oh that's what you mean alright for a second there I was wondering what you meant but I get it now, is there any way to stop it and like what happens?
"Sadly no there's no way to stop it and what happens is that I would normally like kinda go out of control and how do I say this .... 'look for a male' so like that kinda why I'm embarrassed about this it would normally last for a week and I would be in pain for like the whole time" I said looking down.
"Awe don't worry I'll be there to help you through it"

I look up to him it a shooked face.
"I'm sorry what?" It took him a while to realise what he said.
"WAIT NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT IM SORRY IT SOUNDED SO WRONG I MEANT AS IN LIKE TO COMFORT YOU AHHHHHHHHH" We both burst out laughing. After calming down I was able to continue talking.
"Oh my I'm going to die help! Any ways let me continue, so time for the pros. Some pros are that I'm more fast and agile,like I can run two and a half miles faster that any human. Another pro is that I get sharper nails and teeth, my sense of smell is better and my hearing is also better than a humans. My ears and tail can express how I feel as well! Can I tell you what different things mean please?"

"Ohh yesss please!"
"Ok so if my tail is like raised up in the air then that mean I'm happy if my tail I occasionally like twitching then I'm either excited or worried. And if my tail keeps like jerking or keep moping my tail on the floor then I'm in pain or stress. If the fur just out in different directions then I'm either very excited or feel threatened, and if say my tail is vibranting then I'm either happy to see you or waiting for something. What I've also noticed is that if it sticks straight up in the air and a crouch on the ground it'd be a sign of extreme aggression which usually happens in self defense and if I'm normally standing and it's straight up in the air but at an angle then it's probably a slight sign of aggression or fight even. If it's ever lowered towards the ground then I'm frightened of guilty, sometimes even submition. This one happens rarely but if it's swinging sharply that just means leave me alone or give me attention. And that was only what my tail means my eyes also do different things can you believe it?!"

"At this point I will believe anything to be completely honest"
"Hehe so if my pupils are dilated then it could mean that it's playfulness, agitation,fright and even aggression so all the strong feelings. If I ever look directly in your eyes it mean that I trust you and am comfortable around you!" I then looked him directly in the eyes after saying that. We stayed staring in each others eyes for a rough therty seconds when I continued.
" Also when I blink slowly I'm more calm and feel safe where I am, sometimes I even pur. But that's all I really know so far"

( Not gonna lie I had to find a video and search things to make sure this is all correct!!)

"Ok good to know but I have some questions like if you can do these or if you can't"
"Ask away all you want, but I also have a question. Can I still be able to call you boo or are you not comfortable with that?"
"Oh yeah you can call me boo I don't mind!"
"Ok boo what are your questions?"
"Do you meow?"
"Well I never really tried but I could if you want me to, I'm kinda curious too actually!"

"Heh ok so ahem 3...2...1...*meow*" well that was unexpected.
"Oh.My.God... THAT WAS SO CUTEE AWEE!" I hid my head in my hands while boo shook me saying how adorable it was.
"Are there any other questions that you have?"
"Oo YESS! So I was wondering.. does catnip work on you?"
"Wait are you asking me to do cat drugs? Quackity, is that you?"
"HEY! No I just wanna know and yes I bought some it's right here" he showed me a bag of catnip you would be able to buy in the pet shop around the corner.

He poured some into his hand and held it up to me. I can't believe I'm doing this. I leaned in and smelt it a little. Some of the pieces went up my nose.
"Oh yeah good job but are you ok like seriously"
"Yeah it just kinda burn and why are there two of you" I could feel my words start to slur
"Ok so kitty there aren't two of me your just seeing things"
"No I know that there are two one white that's you and the other umm blue without a shirt though hehe I like him more" I giggle

"I'm sorry without a shirt? What?"
"Yeah and ohh he is really cute but your better hheheh but you have a shirt so I can't pick which one of you I like more"
"What? Oh is this because of the catnip? So I'm guessing it does work huh?"
"Did I ever tell you how fucking gorgeous you are baby boo" my word start slurping more and it looks like I'm really drunk, and at this point I'm just saying what comes to my mind first.
"Um no but thanks, hey let's get you to bed how's that sound? Come on let's go"
"AWEE can you come cuddle with me please I really want to!" My tail started to twitch and I think ranboo could tell by the way he looked behind me.
"Ok let's just go then come on" my tail stood up with excitement.

"Yeah yeah I get it your excited let's go already" he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started to walk over to my bedroom. He walked over to my bed and set me down. He pulled the covers over me and also crawled in.
"Yeah I choose you over anyone in the whole wide universe, even over the hot version of you because your cuter and better overall heheh"
"Alright thank you kitty I would choose you over everyone else too, good night"
"Good night boo"

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