14. Fuck you.

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Ok but why did it take me like two days to think of an idea for this chapter? I know that nobody is reading this right now but idk. I like it and I hope you like it just as much!!<33 -Lu



After I signed the papers for the cat and let the workers say goodbye to Geode we started a journey to look for everything we needed for the new cat of mine. We got everything and dropped Ranboo off at his and his parents house. When I was back at my house and parked my car. And again there was someone at my doorstep. The male looking figure was around 6'0 and had brown hair. I stepped out of my car to see who it was. The man had black jeans and a light grey hoodie.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" I said to the person. They turned around and it hit me like a bus. This 'guy' was Felix. My toxic ex-boyfriend. He looked at me and smirked.

"Awe babe how are you today?" He said stepping closer. I stood my ground.
"Oh I'm amazing after the date I had today, but when you showed up it went to eh" I said back to him. The anger appeared in his eyes when I mentioned a date, and this helped.
"Oh it was so fun he took me to this cat cafe and I even got one of the cats! Her name is Geode but I call her Geo because it sounds better I even went shopping with him for the cat afterwards! When I was dropping him off at his house where he lives with his parents, I even got to meet them! Oh my Geo they were so sweet I got like this really yummy cookie that they made by themselves! It was delicious! And now that I'm here with you I feel meh, well what I'm trying to say is that you ruined my day today" I rambled about my day not saying anything about Ranboo in case he would feel uneasy about me telling people about him and his parents.

When I looked up back at Felix you could see anger written all over it.
"So you're cheating on me now?"
"Felix, we broke up a year ago?"
"Uhh no we didn't!"
"Yeah we did when I saw you kissing Avery and said that we were breaking up, or do you not remember?"
"Well what ever I'm here so we can start dating again! Come on tour me around our house and maybe the bedroom could be last?" He said winking at me. I was a virgin and planned on staying that way.

"Sorry but I would rather sleep with a girl than you. And I don't even like doing stuff like that... Now how about you leave and I can go into my house to stream?"
"Wait what? You like girls?" He gave me disgusted look.
"Well girls,guys,pals whatever you are and yes I don't like to honk"
"Ew come let me fix that f*ggot."
"I'm sorry what-" I was cut off my him grabbing my waist. He pulled me close to him. Now at this point I'm getting uncomfortable and I say.

"Let me go you honk" I said in a stern voice.
"Awe but baby I just want to have some fun" he put his arms on my lower back I started to let them slide down. I stiffened and tried pushing him off me but he was too strong. One hand still on my butt and he put his other hand on my chin lifting it up for me to look at him. I looked him dead in his dark brown eyes and a tear slipped out my eye.
"Please let me go Felix" I said cautiously.
"Oh baby I'm just getting started, just wait for the real fun" I have had enough. I was in tears telling him to stop and he didn't. Oh did you know I also had rings on? Yes I have rings on and one just do happen to be a knife ring. It was a purple silver type of ring with a button on the side where if you press it a little blade will come out. You could use it as a self defense weapon. And it was my time to shine. I quietly clicked the button and jabbed the one centimeter blade in his upper arm and started to drag it down to the elbow. He fell backwards in pain and grabbed his arm. Ouch that was definitely gonna leave a scar and will need stitches.

"Fuck you." was the last thing I said before I stepped back a bit then ran to the car. I sped out to get to boo's house so that he could tell me everything was ok. When I got there I knocked on the door and his mother, Sarah opened it. She looked at me and told me he was in his room upstairs. When I knocked on the door I heard a faint come in, come from the inside. I went in and saw that he was on his bed with his phone in his hands.

He looked up to see my outfit before smiling.
"Oh hello Y/N I didn't expect you to come again so-" his sentence was cut off when she saw my red puffy eyes and my hand on my chest with some blood on my ring.
"Oh my goodness what happened? Are you ok?" He quickly got up and engulfed me in a big hug. I couldn't take it anymore and just broke down. He set me on the bed and tried calming me down. He kept saying stuff like ' hey it's alright I'm here don't worry' and ' shh shh it's ok calm down I'm not leaving'. I clung tight to his shirt not letting go of him. I was as if my life depended on it. When I calmed down and my breathing was more normal he popped the question.

"What happened?" He looked me in the eyes.
"You don't have to tell me I don't want to pressure you into anything!"
"No it's alright I don't mind. What happened was i got home and outside my door was this guy" I took a deep breath in and out and then continued.
"It was my ex-boyfriend, Felix. He was really toxic he would cheat on me every chance he got, beat me, body shame me and stuff like that. When I asked him what he was doing there he said he wanted me to show him around 'our' house and he called me babe. I reminded him we broke up and.." my breathing slightly quickend and tears started forming in my eyes.
"He-he... Touched me. He touched me Boo." I looked him dead in the eyes.
"Ranboo he touched me" I could see the sadness in his eyes as I said that. He engulfed me in yet another big hug which I really appreciated.

Tears were flowing down my face as I hugged him.He was the best hugger ever to exist.

1•2k words

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