I opened the message from Austin to see if I got into the show. I slowly open the DM nervously hoping for the best and not the worst.
Austin Congratulations! You got into the love or host on the 10th of November at 12 pm! I hope you can make it Espeon!
My jaw dropped. I really got in. I would hopefully be able to tell Ranboo about how I feel!YESSSSSSSSSSS! ONG I CAN'T WAIT AHH! ITS IN SIX DAYS OH NO THAT'S SO LONG UGH!Whatever at least I'm on the show!
I got up and did some happy dances in success! Oh my,oh my I can't wait till the 10th.
IT WAS FINALLY THE DAY! IT HAS COME! There was an hour left before the show started and I needed to get dressed and do my makeup. Today I went for more of a hot pink and light pink aesthetic. I put on a light pink hoodie with black bats all over it. I tucked it into my black and light pink moon skirt that stayed higher up on my thighs. The shoes I put on made me three inches taller than I actually am.
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After I put on my outfit I need to get my make up done. I went simple with some fake lash's, glitter eyeshadow and a light pink eyeliner that went up into my cress.
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I had ten minutes left so I turned my LEDs to a hot pink so it would all match. I went to discord and joined the call. I saw that there were already five other girls. I waved and said hello and they all returned it. The other four girls joined later on. After the last one joined it was about three minutes until Austin joined. There were a collection of 'hi's and 'hello's.
"Hello everyone so as you know today you are on the love or host show! And you are all competing for Ranboo!" Right after he said that Ranboo joined the call. You could see his eyes scan the screen. I was waiting till he noticed I was there because I was in the bottom right corner. His eyes widened slightly when he reached the end. I quickly waved hello. And that's also when Austin started talking again.
"Now can all of you introduce yourself to the one and only Ranboo!" "Hello my name is Sophie and I'm seventeen!" "Hi I'm Deliah and I'm eighteen it's so nice to meet you!" "Hello I'm Alex" she said bluntly "How are you my name's May!" "Hola I'm Maya" I didn't really listen to the rest but then it was my time to introduce myself. And I thought of a pick up line already! "Hello Mr.Boo My name's Y/N but you can call me mine" I gave a wink and he was too stunned to speak.
"Ok ladies now that you guys are done introducing yourself Ranboo will need to vote someone off! In the bottom three we have Lexie, Cassie and Anna! Now ranboo needs to vote one of you to elimination!" The persons who got voted out was Cassie. "I'm sorry Cassie this is the end of the road for you. Now she had the choice of love and host and she chose.... HOST!" "Well duh I picked host who would want to pick someone that's probably really ugly under that mask?" I was ok with her picking host but commenting on his looks in a bad way is crossing the line.
"I'm sorry can I quickly say anything before Cassie can leave? Yes thank you umm Cassie if you don't say sorry I will proudly say where you live, now go on and say sorry the way you mean it" "What the fuck no I'm not saying sorry to that bitch!" "Ok so ahem let's say you live in where was it again? Oh yeah Florida and a street called Livinghigh street how does that sound or do you need a door number?" The call went silent but Cassie spoke up.
"What the fuck how do you know that?" "I have my ways now how about that sorry I was saying earlier hm?" "OH CRAP I sorry ranboo I'm really sorry!!" "Ok I'm done now she can leave" with that said she left the call. "How did you get her address Y/N?" Lexie spoke up breaking the quietness. "Oh no need to worry about that I did a couple classes for like a year!" "Ok well moving on let's start with the first question! Now let's take it a step further and ask what don't you like about Ranboo?" Some of them would say things like his humour or the type of things he does, but then it was my turn.
"Now Y/N it's your turn to answer the question,what don't you like about Ranboo?" "Oh this was so easy! The one thing that I don't like about Ranboo is that we aren't together already" I swear I could see his eyes widened as he tried to hide himself in his hair. "Ohh flirting I see!" "Of course I am why wouldn't I?" "You've got a point! Now time to see who's in the bottom three! Deliah, Anna and Becky... I'm sorry but you guys are in the bottom three! Now all we need to do is wait and see who ranboo vote off!" I leaned back on my chair but I guess it was too hard since I fell on the ground.
"OH HONK" Was all I said before I fell on the ground with a thud. "Oh my god Y/N are you ok there what happened?!" I heard boo ask frantically. "Don't worry boo I'm ok I just fell of my chair I leaned too hard bad I'm fine!" "Ok well after that accident Ranboo has chosen who he will be kicking off and they are....ANNA I'm sorry this is the end of the road for you!"
"I'm sorry Anna that I voted you off but you said more than one reason for why you don't like me and you also didn't say them so kindly aswell so I'm sorry I voted you off, but now we get to see what she picked!" "And she picked....HOST!"
"What's with all these people not loving Boo, like I'm not mad because that just gives me a higher chance but still!" I said after I figured out that she picked host and not love like who can not love ranboo but hey! I'm not mad it gives me a higher chance like I said!