I woke up in the middle of the night. My mouth and throat were dry so I got up and walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I expected Ranboo to be in the guest room sleeping in his bed. But apparently not. He was standing in the kitchen looking at my wall of different knives.
"Oh hello boo what are you doing here? I thought you would be asleep?" He didn't reply and continued to stare at the wall. "Ah ok I see what's going on here" he was sleep walking. His eyes were open and he was staring at the wall looking like he was awake but he wasn't. I walked up to him and took his hand into mine. He looked over to me and then to the hands. "Ranboo how about you go to bed hm? I know you'll be tired in the morning" he stayed still but only moved his head to slowly look up at me. He held my hand and started to walk back to the guest room. He moved the blanket so that he could get in but he didn't...? He pointed to me and then to the spot. Oh. He want ME to get into the bed. I got in and he pulled the blanket over me. He climbed into the other side of the bed. He pulled me into a hug from behide and snuggled in.
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It took me about three minutes before I was able to fall asleep and usually it took ten.
In the morning I woke up to a panicked Ranboo. We were in the same position as last night. I turned around to face him. "Good morning boo" "G-good morning kitty" "I have a question" "What is it?" "What was your dream last night?" "Oh well I was at your house and I was trying to pick out a knife I would use to ever so slightly hurt Felix. But then you showed up and we're all like 'oh let's go to bed' then we did but then seconds later I woke up" "Heh so did you know you sleepwalk?" "Yes, yes I do... Oh god what did I do?" "So I woke up in the middle of the night to get some water and I walked into the kitchen and I saw you there looking at the wall of knives I have. I thought 'hmm he will probably be tired when he wakes up so he should probably go back to bed'. I take your hand and tell you to go to sleep. What you do is lead me to the guest room and show me to get in. You proceeded to cuddle me which I will do anytime anyday and then I woke up to you panicking for some reason"
"Oh god, well I was panicking because I woke up and you were here which I wasn't expecting and was very surprised" "Hey hey it's alright I don't mind. I love the physical touch" I said giggling at the end of the sentence. "Oh, well ok" he pulled me into a tighter hug. Obviously I hugged back. "How did you sleep babe?" He became flustered at the nickname. I thought that was a bad thing. "Oh god I should have asked if it was ok to call you that god I'm so-" "Don't say sorry or I will amputat your tongue right here right now" he dead planned. "Well I don't want that, but you know what I do want?" "What?" "Uhh skittles duh! I ran out yesterday and I feel the need to get some" "Of course what should I have expected?" "Ranboo" "Hmm?" "Mark Willow" "Uh oh am I in trouble?" "So.. do you know any girl with long black hair about waist length?" His breath hitched. "Yes...... She's my uhh..... Stalker" "Ok well you better not turn around because shes like right outside the window, let me go talk to her" "Ok... Just stay safe please" "I will don't worry" I got up out of bed bed and walked over to the front door. I opened it and walked around to where she was.