24. Royal blue

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I checked the time to see that it's 11:37. Damn did I really just stream for like...3 hours? Guess I did huh. I saw that I was being invited to a call with, Dream, Tommy, Philza and Technoblade. I joined the call after a few seconds.

"Hello guys"
"Oh hello Y/N!"
"Hello mate"
"Hi Y/N"
"Hey guys how are you?"
"Eh I'm ok"
"I'm fine but your acting is amazing!"
"Thanks Dream I think your acting is also really good"
"Y/N the thing I love most about the character is that you can scare Dream" Techno added on.
"Oh come on really?The thing you like most about Althea is that she can scare me?"
"Yeah good job mate"
"Not you too guys"
"Thank you everyone thank you, but I think you guys are also very good actors. Especially Ranboo, I have tauma from the fallen. Quite literally when ever I hear the song I start to cry, like ball my eyes out"
"Damn, does he know about it?"
"Uhh not that I know of, I don't remember if I told him or not"

We chatted for a while longer before we all decided to go to sleep. I ended the call only to get another one but on my phone this time.

My Boober<3
{[Answer]} {Decline}

"Hello! How are you pretty boy?"
"Oh hello I'm good what about you?"
"I'm great! What do you wanna do or talk about?"
"Your acting skills. They're so good! You should be getting a medal for that!"
"Oh come on if I got a medal for that then you'd have 10 golden medals with diamonds embedded inside"
"Oh come on, your just boosting my ego but thanks"
"Not only am I doing that but I'm also speaking facts"
"You'll make me blush, stop"
"Your joking because I know how to make you blush" I said with a sly smirk.
"U-uhh now about y-your lore when is the next stream on it?"
"I'll be doing a lore stream every other day, so ill be doing one the day after tomorrow"
"Ah alrighty then it's getting late you should probably go to sleep"
"It's not that late what's the time?"
"Y/N Rose it's 2:47 am, what do you mean that's not late?"
"Crap I didn't sleep at all and im going to be tired today! I wanted to take you out! For a fancy dinner but I'll be tired..... Meh we're still going don't matter"
"You were going to take me out? To a fancy dinner?"
"Cough cough I AM going to take you out for dinner, a fancy dinner and you have no choice"
"What will I wear? Where are we going? What time are we going?"
"You can were any suit or dress if you want, we'll be going to a restaurant nearby. Like the one near the sushi take out, and we have to be there at 6:00"
" Oh then I'll probably wear my black suit that has a royal blue tie. One of my favourite suits, it's like actually comfortable and the blue looks amazing"
"Oh ok I have an outfit in mind now, now that I know yours"
"And your not going to tell me?"
"It's a surprise"
"Ok then let it be a surprise but you need to sleep"
"Fine I'll sleep, see ya tomorrow!"
"Good night kitty"
"Good night pretty boy".

I ended the call and put my phone in the night stand beside the bed. I was already in bed with my pyjamas on so I just rolled under the sheets. I was finally able to get comfortable. Tomorrow is going to be so fun. I started to doze off to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off at 10:30. I stretch for a bit before getting up and walking into the bathroom slowly. I look at myself in the mirror to see my hair a mess. I brush my teeth and hair and do the basic hygiene stuff. I decided to stay in the Dino PJ's and walked downstairs. I wanted to have breakfast so I just had the last 2 squares or the brownie and wash the plate. Getting to the living room I plopped down on the couch deciding that I'll watch a couple episodes of Lucifer.

I check the time after a while to see it's now 4:17. I needed to get dressed, do my hair and my makeup so I should probably start now. I got up after turning off the TV I walked to my room. Opening my closet I got the royal blue dress u was going to wear. The bottom of it went above my knees. The short sleeves went off the shoulders. I did a little make up with some light eyeshadow with some eyeliner. I curled my hair and checked the time. I saw that it was now 5:49. I hurried downstairs and tied up my heels.

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