Chapter 11- The Big Fight 2

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Smut warning ⚠️: rough sex, slight exhibitionism.

I did not want to go back into that damned room. Where people were all drunk, happy, and dancing away. I didn't want to go inside and pretend as though I was having a good time when I wasn't. Besides, Alex was right there. I was sure he'd continue to keep away from me but he was still there.

I just wanted to leave and go back home. Away from Alex, away from Josh, away from the drama, away from all of this. But I couldn't do that. This wasn't just some random party that I could leave whenever I wanted to. This was Matt's birthday party. He had already been upset by Alex and me, and our drama. The least I could do was at least be there for him after everything I put him through tonight, although he himself told me it would be okay if I was uncomfortable and wanted to leave.

When I walked back into the party, I saw Nick standing with Alex, his arm placed on Alex's back. They seemed to be having a serious conversation, assuming from Nick's expressions. When Nick noticed me walk into the room, he quickly waved at me and gestured for me to go over to them. I felt myself break into a cold sweat almost immediately when Alex noticed me walk in.

"Oh my god, thank god you're here," Nick said with relief as I walked over to them. Alex looked at me again for a brief second and then looked away.

"Alex just had a fall and injured himself. Did you know about it?" Nick asked me.

"Oh no, I didn't" I lied, knowing damn well that I was the cause for his supposed "fall".

"Oh well, I asked him to go to the hospital but he won't listen to me," Nick said to me in a concerned tone.

"Nick, it's really not that terrible. Calm down." Alex tried to convince Nick.

"You have bruises like, all over you" Nick argued.

"You look as though someone beat you up" He added.

"I'm telling you, I'm totally fine" Alex answered, in an attempt to calm Nick down once again.

"You're literally bleeding" Nick asserted.

"I know. I'll just go upstairs and put on a band-aid and it'll be okay" Alex said, patting Nick on the back.

"Ya sure? That doesn't look like something a band-aid could fix."

"I'm sure, and it's not that bad." Alex sounded almost nonchalant as he got tired of Nick trying to convince him.

Nick sighed in disappointment. He knew Alex was too adamant and wasn't going to listen to him.

"Well, at least take Kristen with you." He suggested.

"Kristen, why don't you go help him?" He asked, turning towards me.

"Yes, Of course," I agreed when I knew that it was going to lead to a lot of awkwardness. But I needed to put my comfort away. Alex was hurt and needed help.

"No need to bother her. I'll do okay on my own." He said, gripping the staircase railing.

"You know that's not gonna work." Nick replied to Alex, nudging my arm.

Nick rubbed my back and whispered into my ear "go."

I followed behind Alex silently as he walked up the stairs. When we finally got to there, Alex opened the door to his room. It was a large, really large bedroom. It had big windows, just like the living room and a big king-size bed stood in the middle.

Alex threw his coat on the bed and sat down, hand on his head as he grunted in pain.

"Where is the first aid kept?" I somehow found the courage to ask.

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