Chapter 19- When in Rome

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My afternoon was well spent. I took a relaxing shower, ordered for lunch and took a quick nap after. For the first time in a long time I felt as though everything was perfect. Italy was treating me good.

Alex had informed me earlier that we were going out at later with the rest of band and their partners. So, I whiled away most of my evening looking through my closet for something to wear. As always, I had brought way too many clothes than needed. Yet, I couldn't find a single thing that felt right. I wanted to wear something that made me look as good as possible but also something effortless. Although in reality it was taking a lot of time and effort. Ever since I had caught feelings for Alex, I had this unneglectable need to look my best around him. If this were three months ago I wouldn't have cared. I would've thought "It's just Alex," and worn whatever felt comfortable. The irony was that now I was a fool for him.

More and more time passed and I was still in my lingerie and my hair was all tangled up. My only accomplishment so far was that I had narrowed down my options to two. The first one was an ivory satin dress. The second one was a black spaghetti strap dress. The first option seemed a bit too dressy while the second one seemed risky for the night time. It was a short flowy dress with a very low neck. I knew that if I wore it I'd get atleast stared down by drunk creeps on the streets, if not worse.

While I was lost in my dilemma, I heard someone open the door behind me. I was filled with horror when I remembered the fact that I had not put the latch on. I almost screamed and covered myself with my hands as I turned around to look at the person who had just walked in on me while I was in my lingerie frantically looking through my closet.

"Kristen, are you-"
"Oh wow." He stopped talking as soon as he saw me.

"Alex! You almost gave me a heart attack!"
Thank God it was only him.

"I'm really sorry, I should've knocked," Alex said, trying to look away while I recovered from my panic.

"Just close the door. I should've locked. It's my fault." I sighed as I went back to the closet.

"Why aren't you ready yet? We have to go in about 15 minutes." He finally looked at me, now knowing that I didn't mind his presence. Or to be exact, my nudity in his presence.

"Well, I can't decide on what to wear." I shrugged.

"Mhm. Well, that's a problem." He frowned.

"I have these two here, but I just can't pick between them." I said.

"Show them to me. Maybe I can help." He suggested.

Letting the man I want to impress pick the outfit himself? Brilliant.

"Well, it's these two." I held up the two dresses.

"Okay, you put them on for me and I'll tell you which one's better. I'll go wait outsi-" I interrupted him.

"I don't mind. You can stay."

"Alright. Nothing I haven't seen anyway." He joked. 

Alex sat on the bed and watched me as I put the first dress on. When I checked in the mirror it actually looked pretty good but I felt as though it was a bit too cocktail.

"I like this one." He said.

"Like isn't good enough." I rolled my eyes.

"I mean, I love it, it looks great on you. But I feel like it's something you'd wear at, maybe like a dinner party." He said.

"Oh my god, exactly."
He said right what I was thinking.

I quickly undressed and put the second dress on. I was aware of the tension in the room everytime I undressed, with him struggling to find the perfect balance between watching me and looking away to be respectful.

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