Chapters 21- You'll turn a poet

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I sat up feeling lost and dissociated. For the first few seconds I could barely even remember who I was or where I was. I also felt physically sick to make it worse. The headache, dizziness, heart burn, bodypain, all of it hit me at once. It was like waking up in hell. I was really starting to regret drinking so much last night. I couldn't clearly remember why I did it. I did remember feeling a lot of guilt for ditching Alex, it's possible that must've had something to do with it. Well, I was positive that it definitely had something to do with it.

Although I was in no mood or condition to get out of my bed, I was starving. So I decided to go have breakfast. I could've just ordered something to get it delivered to my room but I couldn't think of it then, I was far too hungover.

The dining area was pretty empty when I got there. There were barely three or four people at the table. I let a sigh of relief when I saw Alex and Nick seated on the couch, talking to each other. I was having a shitty morning so it was really nice to know I'd get atleast a bit of time with them before they left for their rehearsals for tonight's show.

They seemed to be having a serious discussion, with Nick talking nineteen to the dozen and Alex listening closely, nodding his head, his face all tense.

"Kristen, hey," Alex got up immediately when he saw me.

I had no intention of interrupting the two but my presence seemed to have caused an immediate shift in his focus.

"Hi," I said.

"I came to check on you twice and you were asleep. How are you feeling?"

"I feel like shit. What are the two of you upto?" I asked.

"Well we were just tryna figure out this whole proposal thing." Nick said, getting up.

"That. Anyway, have this." Alex pulled out something from his pocket and handed it over to me.

"It's aspirin. I almost left it at your table but then I didn't know when you were gonna wake up so I kept it with me."

"God I really need this, thank you,"

"Yeah you were pretty hammered last night. Haven't seen you get this drunk since '07, so I figured you might need it." He said with a chuckle.

"Thank this man. You apparently got so drunk he had to carry you back here. Or so I heard from Jamie." Nick patted Alex's back.

"Al, did you?" I asked in surprise.
Last night had been a blur.

"Yes, Miss troublemaker, I had to. You insisted on having another drink at the bar, which I'm pretty positive would've given you alcohol poisoning and see, I couldn't let that happen." Alex replied.

"You were being annoying and wouldn't budge so I had to use force." He added.

I felt just a little hurt by the fact that he called me annoying. I knew it was true, I  was hard to deal with when drunk. I even had somewhat of a reputation for it. Besides, Alex was always mean to me. And I was mean to him. It never bothered either of us, until I decided to go ahead and fall for him. He never teased me much anymore but even the littlest insults he made from time to time really hurt me.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to cause you any trouble." I was embarrassed but I said it casually. I was trying my best to not come off upset.

"Come on, we've always been drinking buddies. It's always been like this, nothing new or bothersome about it." Alex comforted. I never did a good job at hiding how I felt.

"Aw aren't you two cute! Now help me with my proposal plan. I can't think of anything, I suck at this stuff!" Nick interrupted us.

"When are you planning on doing this?" I asked Nick.

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