Chapter 1

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Bianca was wandering around the plaza of Encanto reading her favorite book. She had always loved reading ever since she was little and she enjoyed when she could read a new story, but she always came back to one book.

Bianca passed all sorts of shops and stands all flowing with villagers and children running around. Many of the townsfolk in Encanto knew Bianca already, seeing her walk through the village every morning reading a book, she likes to talk with some of the adults and many of the children like to play with her.

"Hola Bianca!"

"Hola Señor Chávez!" Bianca smiled, walking to the cart.

"Beautiful morning isn't it?" The man looked at the sky.

"Si." Bianca smiled.

"Si, si. Mi esposa saw you walking around with your book el otro día and made you these," he handed her a few rectangular objects, they were bookmarks, handmade bookmarks, with beautiful embroidered flowers and designs. "She said that such objetos hermosos deserve hermosos marcadores." He smiled.

"Oh, Señor, I can't take these. They're too beautiful." Bianca tried to hand them back but the man shook his head.

"Mi esposa made them for you." Señor Chávez smiled softly.

"Tell la señorita gracias for me?" Bianca placed the bookmarks inside her book.

"Por supuesto. Have a good day Bianca." Señor Chávez waved.

"Adiós!" Bianca waved and walked away, reading her book. A few minutes later she was knocked over by a moving object, making her fall to the ground and drop her book. "Ow..."

"Oh my—I am so sorry." A boy said. Bianca looked up to see a curly haired boy about her age hold out his hand.

"Aquí vamos." Bianca muttered before she took the hand. He pulled her up. "It's alright."

"No it wasn't. I wasn't paying attention like I should have and I'm sorry." The boy frowned. "Are you hurt? Is anything broken?"

"Woah, slow down." Bianca laughed. "I'm fine."

The boy gave a look of relief, "Oh, good."

Bianca looked down and sighed, "Oh no." She knelt down and picked up her book. The once dark green cover was now covered in dirt. Luckily the pages weren't ruined.

"Is it ruined? I can get you a new one if you'd like."

Bianca shook her head. "It's fine. I've got this book pretty much memorized. It's my favorite one and I guess...this shows it's been loved. Like all books should be." She smiled.

The boy looked at the book and nodded. "I'm Camilo."

"Bianca." Bianca smiled. "Hey, you're a Madrigal, aren't you?"

Camilo nodded, "Yup." They started walking along the street.

"So what's your gift?" Camilo smiled and changed into an exact replica of Bianca. "Shapeshifter?"

"Yup. So I'm guessing you don't have any cool gifts yourself hermosa?" Camilo smirked.

"Well..." Bianca's smile faded when a guy walked up to them. Luis Ramos. He was bigger and liked to flirt with Bianca a lot.

"Hola Bianca. Is this tonto causing you any trouble?" He sneered at Camilo.

Bianca frowned. "Leave me alone Luis. You think I don't know that you've been following me ever since I moved here? Well I do." They continued walking until the guy grabbed Bianca.

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