Chapter 4

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Camilo's POV:

The next morning Bianca and Camilo woke up to Antonio and Lia jumping on the bed. "Wake up you two!"

"Wake up sleepyheads!"

"Time to eat!" They both giggled.

"Why are we up this early?" Bianca groaned.

"Yeah guys. Just five more minutes." Camilo sighed and faced the other way.

"Tia Julietta made arepas." Antonio smiled.

Suddenly Camilo shot up, "I'm up!"

The two got up and ready quickly so they wouldn't keep anyone waiting. Bianca went to talk to Dolores while Camilo searched for a certain rosebud.

"Isa!" Camilo pulled Isabela back into her room.

"Woah! Cami, what are you doing?" Isabela chuckled.

"I need your help." Camilo ran a hand through his hair.

"You finally realized you like Bianca?" Isabela smiled.

"No Isa, it's more than that." Camilo said, frustrated.

Isabela's eyes widened. "You love her! Finally!" Isabela jumped up and down. She gave Camilo a hug, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this!"

"Isa." Camilo said sternly. "What do I do? I don't even know if she likes me back!"

Bianca's POV:

"Dolores!" Bianca pulled the girl to the side.

"Hey, what's up?" Dolores frowned.

"Um...." Bianca struggled for words, she took a deep breath, "IthinkI'minlovewithCamiloandIdon'tknowifhelikesmebackandIreallyreallyneedyourhelp!"

"Woah Bea! Slow down. What?" Dolores chuckled.

"I think I love Camilo." Bianca admitted.

Dolores' eyes widened. She pulled Bianca into her room quickly. "Okay tell me everything that happened!"

Bianca explained the event of the night before and of all the times she had with Camilo, "What if he doesn't like me back?"

"Oh, Camilo definitely likes you back. I don't know if he's realized it or not yet." Dolores frowned. There was a knock on the door, "Time for breakfast!" Camilo's voice called out. "Abuela wants us all outside right now."

"Coming!" Dolores called back. She turned back to Bianca, "I'll talk to him after breakfast." Bianca nodded and both girls went outside. Bianca saw Mirabel and Dolores grabbing some arepas at the table—wait. Bianca looked to her left and saw Dolores right next to her.

"Camilo. Stop pretending you are Dolores so you can have seconds!" Felix scolded his son.

Bianca took a plate and dished herself up as Camilo turned into his normal self. "Worth a shot." He shrugged. One of Casita's shutters hit Camilo's shoulder, "Ah!" He smiled at his plate of food that hadn't fallen over. Casita hit him again, "Hey!" Bianca laughed as Camilo struggled to balance his plate. Felix rolled his eyes and took a bite of his arepa.

"Everyone, to the table. Let's go, let's go."

"Come on Milo." Bianca chuckled and dragged Camilo to the table Luisa had just put down. Everyone sat down except Alma.

"Family. We are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful new—" Abuela stopped as she was about to sit down as some critters were in her seat. "Gift."

"I told them to warm up your seat." Antonio smiled and Lia giggled.

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