Chapter 2

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Camilo was waiting by the fountain for Bianca the next morning. Finally Bianca ran over. Camilo stood, "Took you long enough—woah!"

"Come on Cami!" Bianca grabbed him and ran to the shops.

"Um...What are we doing chica?" Camilo chuckled.

"I need to get Antonio a gift for tomorrow and then we are gonna go to tu casa and help your mami and papi get ready for the fiesta." Bianca smiled, looking at some stuffed animals. "This one!" Bianca picked up a toucan plush. They paid for the gift and headed to la casa Madrigal.

"Bianca! Hello." Pepa smiled.

"Hola Pepa!" Bianca waved.

"What are you two doing here?" Pepa chuckled.

"I was just wondering if you needed any help for Antonio's gift ceremony tomorrow?"

"Actually yes." Pepa sighed sadly. "Antonio still needs a suit for tomorrow and I need a banner lo antes posible."

"I can make a suit and Camilo can make the banner." Bianca smiled and Camilo nodded.

"Are you sure?" Pepa frowned slightly.

"Don't worry mami. We can do this." Camilo gave her a soft smile.

"Gracias. Both of you." Pepa smiled gratefully.

"No problema Pepa." Bianca chuckled and Pepa walked away. "Okay..." Bianca turned to Camilo, "I will go into town real quick to get some fabric, you start on the banner and find Antonio. I will be back soon!" Bianca smiled and left to get the fabric.

She returned soon after with her hands full of fabric. "Casita, can you help me out?" Suddenly a table slid over and Bianca placed all the material down.

"Hola Bea." Camilo and Antonio walked in with some paint.

"Antonio, good, you're here." Bianca smiled. "Casita." Bianca smiled and a small platform rose up. "I just need to take some measurements for your suit. Antonio giggled and hopped onto the platform.

"Perfecto." Bianca smiled. Bianca turned and almost ran right into a table. "Oh!"

"Careful cariño." Camilo chuckled. Bianca blushed at the new nickname. Luckily for her, she wasn't facing Camilo.

Casita had brought over two sewing machines and a spare table. "Pongámonos a trabajar." Bianca cut the pieces of fabric and pinned them together. She was about to press the pedal of the machine when it started doing it by itself. "Casita, can you sew this on your own?" Bianca asked, bewildered. Some of the tiles flapped. "I'll take that as a yes." Bianca chuckled and started working on more of the suit.

Camilo's POV:

Camlio worked on the banner while Antonio helped the two with anything they needed. At one point he heard Bianca singing to herself while she worked her magic making Antonio's suit. She switched between Spanish and English throughout the song. Antonio sat down next to Camilo, "Do you like her?" He asked quietly.

"Of course I do Tonito, she's my friend." Camilo smiled.

"You know what I mean Cami." Antonio chuckled.

Camilo watched Bianca as she cut some fabric from one table and moved to the next table for something else. She didn't look like she was in a rush, or worried at all. Her long black hair was pulled back into a braid, "Casita, do you know where I put my—" Bianca looked around for something, suddenly a mirror rolled in front of her, "Pencil." Bianca chuckled and pulled the pencil out of her hair. "Gracias Casita." Bianca shook her head and continued working, as well as singing the song from before.

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