Chapter 7

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Bianca gasped and sat up, or at least, tried to sit up, her head banged against a rock. Bianca looked around her, the rock had collapsed around her and now she was stuck. She tried kicking away the slabs but nothing worked. She was losing air by the second and Bianca desperately tried to get out.

Camilo's POV:

Once all the dust had subsided, Camilo immediately got up. He ran into the rubble, "Bianca!" He looked around desperately, "Bianca!" Everyone noticed that the girl was gone and started looking around.

Felix made sure Antonio and Lia were okay before he went to help Camilo search. He saw a few stone slabs off to the side and quickly went to push them away. "Bianca are you in there?" Felix heard a muffled cry. He started to push away the rock. "Over here!" Agustin, Luisa, and Pepa went to help.

Camilo saw his father pushing away some rock and froze. There was no way Bianca would've survived if all that rock had fallen on her. Camilo had almost lost all hope at that moment. Not only were his powers gone, but his home, and the love of his life was now gone too.

The adults finally pushed the rock down and Pepa checked the girl. "Oh dear god, she's still breathing. Julietta! Come quick! Julietta!"

Camilo quickly rushed over to the still girl. His mother was right, she was still breathing, but it was getting thinner by the second. "No." Camilo's chin trembled.

Julietta ran over with a few medicine bottles. Camilo could take it anymore. He couldn't look at the motionless body of his love. He stood and walked over to Dolores who was sitting down on one of the rocks. She held him while he silently cried about the girl he loved.

No One's POV:

Pepa held the still girl in her lap while Julietta and Agustin went to find Mirabel. She had treated Bianca like her daughter and she knew Camilo was broken.

Not far in the distance, a gust of wind blew through a field of black-eyed anemone flowers. The breeze took some of the petals and blew them all the way to the ruins of Casita.

Pepa silently shed tears as she stroked Bianca's silky black hair, now covered in dust. A soft breeze came through, blowing most of the dust away. White flower petals flew through the dark sky but no one seemed to notice them.

Bianca's POV:

Bianca sat up abruptly, she gasped for air, coughing from the lack of oxygen. "Bianca! Mija, oh thank goodness!" Pepa held the girl tight.

Bianca wrapped her arms around the woman. "Pepa."

Pepa pulled away and cupped the girl's cheeks, "Don't you ever scare us like that again!"

Camilo's voice rang through the air, "Bianca?!"

Bianca quickly got to her feet and ran towards the boy. "Cami." The second she reached him, she crashed her lips on his.

Camilo held the girl close, afraid he might lose her again. "Are you out of your mind?!" He exclaimed once they pulled away. "You could've died Bea. I thought you were dead." He caressed her cheek, "Don't ever do that again. I don't care if you're trying to help my family." He shook his head, "I love you Bianca and I can't lose you! Especially when I just got you."

Bianca smiled softly, "I love you too Milo." She kissed him again. "And you're not getting rid of me that easily." Suddenly her smile fell and her eyes widened, "Where's Lia?" She looked around.

"Don't worry, she's with Antonio. Mirabel is missing though." Camilo frowned slightly.

"We'll find her, don't worry." Bianca looked out into the distance.

Another short chapter.

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