Chapter 8

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The next day, everyone went out to search for Mirabel.

"Mirabel?!" Bianca called out.

"Mirabel?!" Camilo searched nearby.

Bianca ran to the top of the hill, "Mirabel?!" She looked around, no sign of the girl. Bianca sighed and rubbed her eyes from the lack of sleep she had gotten.

"You good love?" Camilo frowned and called from afar.

Bianca did a 360. She did a double take when she saw a fast moving object. She squinted and shaded her eyes from the sun. Her eyes widened when she saw Mirabel, Abuela, and Bruno riding back on a horse. "There!" She pointed. "They're heading back to Casita!" She ran down the hill, grabbing Camilo along the way. "Mirabel! You're not dead!" Bianca crashed into the girl.

"Bianca! You're not dead either!" She hugged back.

"Nope." Bianca chuckled. She went to stand by Camilo and Felix.

"There were bees everywhere!" Agustin said, his face and hands swollen. "I'll be okay."

"Uh... not if we don't have a house. " Camilo remarked. Bianca jabbed him in the side. "What? We don't have a house, I can't say we don't have a house? What is that? Not a house." He pointed to some rubble.

"Oh shut up you big baby." Bianca smirked.

Mirabel walked up to the archway.

Look at this home, we need a new foundation

It may seem hopeless but we'll get by just fine

Look at this family, a glowing constellation

So full of stars and everybody wants to shine

But the stars don't shine, they burn

And the constellations shift

I think it's time you learn

You're more than just your gift

Abuela sang to her two daughters as Bruno came in.

And I'm sorry I held on too tight

Just so afraid I'd lose you too

The miracle is not some magic that you've got

The miracle is you, not some gift, just you

Bianca leaned closer to Camilo, "By the way...there was no squirrel."

Camilo at first didn't get it but after a moment he just looked at her, "Why you—" She stopped him with a small kiss.

The miracle is you

All of you, all of you

"Okay, so we gonna talk about Bruno?" Camilo frowned. Bianca jabbed him again.

"That's Bruno?" Lia pointed to him.

"Yeah, there's a lot to say about Bruno. I'll start, okay—" Bruno shrugged.

Pepa, I'm sorry 'bout your wedding, didn't mean to be upsetting

That wasn't a prophecy, I could just see you were sweating

And I wanted you to know that your bro loves you so

Let it in, let it out, let it rain, let it snow, let it go

"That's what I'm always saying, bro." Felix smiled.

Got a lotta 'pologies I got to say

Hey, we're just happy that you're here, okay? Uh, but

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