Chapter 3

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Bianca woke the next morning, not realizing where she was. "Buenos días cariño." A voice chuckled.

Bianca looked up to see Camilo, suddenly the events of the night prior came back to her. "Hola Milo." She murmured. "What time is it?"

"It would be about...time to get up o'clock." Camilo smiled.

"Ha ha, very funny Milo." Bianca looked up at him.

Suddenly Bianca's dress appeared on the wall and so did Camilo's outfit. "Okay, okay Casita. We're getting up." Camilo chuckled. Bianca took her dress to the bathroom and got dressed and ready. When she was done she went back into the bedroom to see Camilo sitting on the bed. Bianca jumped into his arms for a hug, which caught Camilo by surprise. "You're in a good mood chica." He laughed.

"I just really like your hugs." Bianca sighed happily. "They're nice." Suddenly there was a pounding on the door.

"Let's go cariño." Camilo stood and offered a hand for Bianca to take, which she gladly accepted.

"Woah! But let's be clear, Abuela runs this show." Mirabel sang. Camilo spun Bianca around and they both danced. "Woah! She led us here so many years ago. Whoa! And every year our family blessings grow. There's just a lot you've simply got to know, so." Everyone headed out to help the village. Camilo took Bianca's hand and started running ahead of everyone else. "Welcome to the Family Madrigal. The home of the Family Madrigal (we're on our way). Where all the people are fantastical and magical. I'm part of the Family Madrigal."

Bianca and Camilo were separated when Camilo had to babysit a child and Bianca was asked to help place a banner.

We swear to always

Help those around us

And earn the miracle

That somehow found us

Camilo shifted back into his normal self and watched as Bianca gave orders to the men who were hanging the banner. Bianca caught him looking and laughed to herself. Camilo felt his heart race again.

The town keeps growing

The world keeps turning

But work and dedication will keep the miracle burning

And each new generation must keep the miracle burning

A woman appeared next to Bianca asking for help. Bianca examined the woman before taking a ribbon from the waist of the dress, she used it to tie the woman's hair up into a pretty bun. Bianca looked around and saw a man carrying a bowl of sequins. She grabbed a handful and threw them on the ruffles of the woman's skirt and sleeves. The woman clapped happily and thanked Bianca.

"Let's get ready!" Abuela called out to all the Madrigals.

"Coming Abuela!" Many replies were heard. Camilo snuck up behind Bianca and twirled her around making her laugh. Camilo pretended to walk away but Bianca pulled him back making them close. The butterflies returned in Bianca's stomach but she just smirked at Camilo's shocked expression and pulled him away to Casita to get ready for Antonio's gift ceremony.

"My primo Camilo won't stop until he makes you smile today." Mirabel sang as she pointed to Bianca and Camilo playing around. "Mi amiga Bianca can sew you some dresses with not one mistake."

"Mirabel!" Alma called out.

Camilo and Bianca laughed and walked to the house.

One of Casita's shutters waved as in saying hello. Bianca chuckled, "Hola Casita."

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