Chapter 9

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That night, Bianca was in her room brushing her hair while Camilo was on her bed lying down.

Bianca stopped abruptly.


Bianca saw a small room with a crib on the far wall. There was a storm outside, lightning and thunder echoed through the house. The child sleeping in the crib looked peaceful, as if the storm hadn't bothered her at all. Her dark hair was whisped to the side and she had a very cute button nose. Suddenly the child woke up and started to cry, Bianca could see the little girl's electric blue eyes sparkle with tears.

After a flash of lightning, Bianca saw a figure looking in the crib, she couldn't make out who it was through the darkness. The black figure scooped up the child and with a flash of lightning, he was gone, along with the child. The scene faded with the sound of a woman's heartbroken scream.

Bianca's vision became normal and she jumped slightly, her hairbrush held in midair. She blinked hard, shaking her head and looking into the mirror at her reflection. The child looked so much like herself, except for the nose. The infant's nose was rounder than hers, Bianca had sworn she had seen that nose shape somewhere before...

Bianca dropped her brush and it landed on the table with a bang. Camilo looked over worriedly. Bianca stared in horror at nothing in particular. There was no way that could have been her child...right? Her and Camilo were only 15, it was possible that it could have been theirs but...that child was kidnapped. Bianca's breathing went shaky.

"Bea..." Camilo got up and kneeled in front of Bianca, "What happened? You look like you just saw a ghost, love."

Bianca couldn't say anything. She was in shock. Would her child get taken in the future? Who would do that? Did that mean that her and Camilo would get married as well? There were too many questions going through Bianca's mind right now.

"Bianca?" Camilo frowned. Snapping her attention to him. She would have to talk to Pepa later...

"Oh..." Bianca thought for a millisecond, "What happened?"

"You were brushing your hair and all of a sudden you went pale and you dropped the brush. You were staring at nothing, like you were zoned out in a nightmare almost." Camilo explained.

"Oh, I guess I did zone out. Whoops..." Bianca chuckled nervously, "I was just thinking of my parents, that's all." She shrugged, "Weird."

"Are you okay?" Camilo didn't seem convinced.

"Oh yeah. Sometimes I do weird things when I zone out, it just depends on what I'm thinking about." Bianca smiled softly.

"If you say so amor." Camilo shrugged, he kissed her forehead and went back to bed.

Bianca got up, "I'll be right back. Pepa wanted to talk to me earlier, I just am going to see what she needed me for." Camilo nodded and laid down on the bed face first.

Bianca rushed through the hall and found Bruno, "Bruno, I need you." She grabbed his arm and led them to Pepa's room.

"Woah! Um...okay." Bruno said warily.

Bianca knocked on Pepa's door. After a second the woman opened, "Hola Bianca, do you need something?"

"I need your guys' help." Bianca frowned at the two siblings.

Soon they were all in Bruno's bedroom since Felix was in Pepa's. "So what's wrong?" Bruno sat down, Pepa right next to him.

"So um...." Bianca faltered, "IthinkIsawavisionofthefuturewhereCamiloandIgetmarriedandwehaveababygi-rlandonenightshegetskidnappedbysomeoneIdon'tknowwhobut—"

"Woah!" Bruno held his hands up, "Slow down kiddo. Start over."

Bianca took a deep breath, "I think I saw a vision of my own daughter's kidnapping." 

Sorry again for the short chapter! What do you guys think about the vision? 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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