Chapter 16: It's Raining Somewhere Else

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Chapter 16: It's Raining Somewhere Else

Chapter 16

Izuku stood outside the door to Recovery Girl's Clinic, his hand hovering in front of the handle. Did he really want to do this? He could just as easily choose to leave Bakugou on his own, it's not like he'd want to see Izuku. But, if he left Bakugou just because he didn't want to deal with his attitude, could he really call himself a hero? Heroes always save people, no matter what, even if that person they're saving hates their guts and is yelling at them.

"Ok, breathe in, breathe out," Izuku said to himself, doing as he said, "No hesitation, the worst that can happen is he yells at you. You don't have to stay with him anyways..." And with that, the door slid open, revealing Recovery Girl's clinic. Currently, Recovery Girl was tending to Bakugou on the bed, who was groaning and had an arm over his face. Izuku nervously stepped in, and Recovery Girl glanced back at him, an annoyed look on her face.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm tending to the Bakugou boy?" She snapped. Izuku stepped back, his hands held up.

"I, uh, wanted heal Ka- Bakugou," Izuku explained. Instantly, Recovery Girl practically did a 180, a thankful smile spreading across her face. She let out a breath of relief.

"Oh, thank goodness! I didn't want to use my quirk, because he'd be too tired for his next match, and even a half heal wouldn't be enough. Your quirk is perfect for healing, so I'll let you do the work," She said, stepping aside. Izuku nodded and walked up to Bakugou. Up close, his arm looked even worse. It was bent at a weird angle, and it was already starting to bruise, creating large purple splots all across the arm. All in all, Izuku sure was glad he never had to deal with arms that were this broken. Bakugou lifted his arm off to see Izuku, and he immediately scowled.

"Fuck off," He growled. Izuku sighed.

"I'm just here to heal-,"

"I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING PITY!" Bakugou screamed at Izuku. He got out of the bed, and stomped past Izuku, slamming the door open before closing it with equal force, stunning the room into silence. Izuku groaned. Why did he have to make this so difficult? Nevertheless, Izuku followed after Bakugou, just barely catching him walk around the corner.

"Bakugou, it's not pity, it's just human decency!" Izuku argued, speedwalking after the enraged boy. Bakugou glanced back, hatred in his eyes as he picked up his pace.

"I don't fucking WANT YOUR HELP! NOT WHEN YOU'RE MOCKING ME ALL THE WHILE!" He yelled, turning around another corner.

"Oh, for the love of- Bakugou, nobody is mocking you!" Izuku yelled back, shifting into a jog. Bakugou saw this, and also shifted into a jog at a slightly faster pace, "Just let me help you!" Bakugou let out a primal scream of rage, which was cut off as he winced from jostling his arm around too much. He shoved his way into an unused room to his left, and Izuku followed him unprompted, shutting the door behind them. It looked like some kind of storage room, filled with balls, swords, and all kinds of weird items that could only be for events in the Sports Festival. Bakugou sat down on a chest, and Izuku didn't dare get closer.

"Bakugou, if you don't let me heal you, the next round is-,"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER!" Bakugou interrupted, before letting his face rest in the palm of his unbroken arm, "Don't you get it? I lost," He muttered. Izuku raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you delirious? You won, Kurono forfeited," Izuku replied. Bakugou growled.

"NO! THAT WASN'T A WIN! HE TOOK PITY ON ME!" He explained. Izuku looked at him, the two in silence. Finally, Izuku let out a sigh.

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