Chapter 25: What We Do In The Shadows
Chapter 25
"So, this is the place?" Izuku asked Reiko as they stood outside an admittedly worn-down looking ramen shop.
"Indeed. I find myself attracted to this place deep into the night when my stomach yearns for sustenance, as the owner has a quirk that lets him stay awake as long as he eats at regular intervals, and therefore he has taken a fancy towards keeping his storefront open day and night." Reiko replied. Izuku had to admit, that was a very niche quirk. But it seemed to make the man happy, if he was willing to run a ramen shop all hours of the night.
"It actually seems pretty full for this time of night" Izuku pointed out. And indeed, despite it being 10:00 PM and with traffic in the area almost completely dead, he could still make out 6 figures all eating at a table together. Reiko hummed, eyebrows furrowing.
"That is quite a strange occurrence. In my general experience, customers rarely appear past the hour of 7:00, so for 6 to be here at a time nearing midnight is quite the surprise." Reiko replied. She shrugged it off, however, and decided to walk in with Izuku right behind her, and as they entered, they heard the group of people talking.
"I'm just sayin' what're the chances we can even meet this guy? They ain't exactly openly advertising!" A reptilian guy seemed to be arguing a point with someone in the group, an argument he seemed quite sure of. A man in formal dress with a rather plain face replied, twirling some marbles absent-mindedly in his hands.
"Now, now, Shuichi, we must not lose faith! I know the absolute perfect person to introduce us! He goes by the name of Giran and is considered by many to be a most superb middleman! I do believe he will be able to introduce us tonight!" The man was rather theatrical and reminded Izuku of a more light-hearted version of Reiko with how he spoke so elegantly and verbosely.
"I'll believe it when I see it," A bored-sounding voice drawled, a voice Izuku figured belonged to the man with spiky black hair, who was covering the bottom-half of his face with a surgical mask, "There's a whole damn country we have to search, and if this Giran turns out to be a liar, then we'll probably never find them."
"Oh, I doubt Giran will fail us. Giran knows everyone." The theatrical man replied ominously. Before the bored man or lizard man could say anything else, another occupant of the table spoke up in a harsh whisper.
"Hey, ain't those two UA students?" Izuku stiffened. Were they about to get harassed? He really hoped not, seeing as he and Reiko had been having such a good night. Reiko nudged him, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"What ramen would you prefer, Izuku?" She asked, looking over at him. Izuku panicked for a moment before spitting something out.
"W-Whatever you're having!" Izuku felt his cheeks redden as he said that, but what was said was said, and Reiko provided his request along with hers to the guy running the restaurant, allowing Izuku to return his attention to the people behind them.
"It is! That's the guy who won it and his girlfriend! Shut up, brat, that's just a ghost and a house plant!" Izuku was confused at whatever the fuck that man just said, as he'd seemed to completely contradict himself in every way imaginable. The bored guy just sighed at it, so Izuku suspected that was normal. Izuku glanced at Reiko and caught her looking back at him at the exact same time. They quickly looked away, and Izuku swore he heard one of them coo at the table.
"Here ya go, two bowls of ramen." The owner handed them their takeaway bowls and disposable chopsticks, and the two of them quickly left the restaurant.

Izuku Midoriya-Overhauled
FanficIzuku Midoriya manifested his quirk when he was 6 years old. That was the day his entire life changed. An alternate universe where a strange mutation in Izuku's Quirk Factor led to him manifesting the quirk Overhaul. [this the work of Mr. Cold Arrow...