Chapter 17: Rapid Fire
Chapter 17
"Welcome to the quarterfinals of the Sports Festival, everybody! This round is gonna be an interesting one! On one side, we have the matter manipulating and devious schemer, Izuku Midoriya! On the other side, we have the ice cold personality of Shoto Todoroki!" Present Mic announced. Mitsudo leaned forward in anticipation; this would be an interesting round, as Present Mic had said.
"Ugh, this fight is gonna be so boring! When are we gonna get a good brawl?" Tataki whined. Of course he'd be annoyed, Tataki found hand-to-hand combat the mark of a good fighter, not strategy and skill with quirks. The only reason Tataki wasn't in the top 3 of the class was simply because he refused to be flexible like Futeki or Koryu.
"Who do you think's going to win?" Seigyo asked. Mitsudo liked Seigyo, she actually knew how to stay quiet and she was skilled. She would probably be the strongest in the entire school if her quirk wasn't so hard to control. He shivered as he remembered the time she let a hurricane get out of control during training.
"Mm, I reckon the Midoriya kid," Mitsudo replied, glancing at Seigyo.
"Oh? And why is that?" Chumoku prodded. Mitsudo...didn't like Chumoku. He was obsessed with popularity and fame, a quality that had only been worsened after he started his work study with Uwabami. Frankly, if he was a girl, he'd be unbearable, because then he'd be constantly trying to be sexy or something, and he already had one too many people in his class who did that.
"Didn't you see? Todoroki was shivering a bit after he made that massive glacier back in his first fight. Midoriya can just break anything he sends his way, meaning that a prolonged fight will almost certainly be in Midoriya's favor," Mitsudo explained. A hand clapped him on the shoulder, and Mitsudo immediately recognized it even through the fabric of his Hero Outfit.
"Course you would be that analytical, Eraserson!" Akabara Kayama laughed, sitting down next to Mitsudo. He groaned; she must have somehow been able to tell he'd been thinking about her and teleported to them. She had her spiky dark blue hair tied up into a ponytail, and her red eyes with white heart-shaped pupils were staring at him cheekily.
"Shut up, the round's about to start," Mitsudo growled. And sure enough, the round started a few seconds later. Immediately, Todoroki sent out a massive glacier towards Izuku, who predictably destroyed it once it reached him.
"As I thought, Midoriya has this in the bag," Mitsudo said.
"Aw, that's a shame, I was hoping that hottie Todoroki would win! Then I could give him a special reward," Akabara purred, circling her finger around Mitsudo's chest, which he quickly slapped away.
"Sexually harass someone else, Akabara," Mitsudo muttered. Akabara let out a 'hmph!' and sat back in her chair, arms crossed and a pout on her face. Back in the arena, Todoroki sent out another ice glacier, which Midoriya once again destroyed. However, this time he left chunks of it to fall to the ground. Did Midoriya get tired if he destroyed larger things in quick succession? It made sense, a quirk as OP as his would have to have some kind of weakness. Although even then, it was still strong. He would clearly be the MVP of this round.
When Todoroki sent out his third glacier, this time Midoriya didn't destroy it, which surprised Mitsudo. Had the kid finally reached his limit? A quick glance at Todoroki showed that his opponent was equally confused at what had happened and was looking at Akabara's aunt for some kind of instruction. Suddenly, the ground next to Todoroki opened up, and a hand swiped at his ankles. Todoroki barely dodged, and Midoriya's curly green hair could be seen emerging from the hole, followed shortly by his freckled face.

Izuku Midoriya-Overhauled
ФанфикIzuku Midoriya manifested his quirk when he was 6 years old. That was the day his entire life changed. An alternate universe where a strange mutation in Izuku's Quirk Factor led to him manifesting the quirk Overhaul. [this the work of Mr. Cold Arrow...