Chapter 42: Get Out Of My Head

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Chapter 42: Get Out Of My Head

Chapter 42

Izuku's eyes groggily opened as his alarm blared in the background, and it took him a couple seconds to realize he had no idea where he was. He bolted upright, eyes wide, only to remember that he'd moved into the dorms. He breathed a sigh of relief as he collapsed back onto his pillows, and he was about to try and get a couple extra hours of rest before his door slammed open.

"Izuku Midoriya, get the fuck out of my head." Kendo snapped, startling Izuku. He registered what she'd said for a moment before confusion washed over him, and he looked at his friend in concern.

"I'm sorry, I must have misheard you. It sounded like you just told me to get out of your head?" He questioned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he left his bed.

"There's a tiny ghost version of you in One for All now from when we fused together, and he can see all my thoughts. Oh, and the other users of One for All are also there as well apparently." Kendo explained adequately. She suddenly froze for a few seconds before locking back at Izuku, "And apparently there's also Yanagi, she just wasn't ready to see me yesterday. Oh, and your ghost version is apparently really obnoxious as well, according to 2nd at least.

Izuku blinked.

He replayed that entire explanation in his head.

He breathed in, he breathed out.

"What?" He groaned, holding a hand to his head, "None of that shit made any sense, Itsuka. I'm in One for All? And so is Reiko? And the past users are there as well? Are you on Trigger, Itsuka?" Kendo sighed, pinching her nose with her fingers in frustration.

In the Vestige World

"Yikes, kid, I thought you were smart!" Banjirou called out as they watched the interaction between Real Kendo and Real Izuku.

"To be fair, that would be gibberish to pretty much anyone." Izuku countered, absent mindedly stroking Vestige Reiko's hair as she lay on her stomach across his lap. She'd been oddly despondent ever since he'd found her in this world, as if she just couldn't care.

"The kid's got a point, 5th." Nana interjected, eliciting a chain of annoyed grumbling from the bald man.

"Izuku 1, 5th 0!" Izuku cheered, which got a groan from everyone else in the room.

"Can we get a refund? Like, I don't mind the ghost girl, she's actually quiet. This broccoli brat is just loud and annoying though." 2nd complained.

"Nope! Reiko and I are a package deal, right Reiko?" Izuku confirmed with his girlfriend, who gave a muffled sound of approval.

"Young Midoriya is a fine young man, thank you very much!" Toshinori Yagi retorted, his vestige nothing more than flames in a humanoid shape which had gained the ability to communicate after All Might's embers of One for All had gone out, "He's just...a little weird."

"Oh, by all accounts I love the kid." 1st mentioned, looking at his fingernails, "After all, he's been an endless source of entertainment by provoking you guys!"

"Man, fuck you, 1st." 3rd snapped. Izuku grinned at the antics around him. Oh, if only the real him could see this...

After Kendo had explained the situation in an easier to understand way, Izuku could finally begin working out what the hell was going on.

"Alright, so, to summarize..." Izuku began, still partially processing what the fuck was going on, "When we fused together during the training camp, and when you fused with Reiko when we rescued Momo, that counted as us being users of One for All, and now a part of us are inside you?" Kendo sighed, rubbing her forehead.

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