Chapter 35: A Pyrrhic Victory

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Chapter 35: A Pyrrhic Victory

Chapter 35

"Hoho, so you think you can beat me now you've joined together?" Muscular laughed, arms out, "You couldn't even dent me working together, what makes you think anything'll be different now?" He got his answer when Izuka practically teleported in front of Muscular and kicked him up into the air, following right behind him.

"Oh, I'm quite certain I can beat you, Muscular!" Izuka retorted, delivering a 100% roundhouse on their opponent's neck and sending them flying even further, "You see, Itsuka's quirk is a strange one! It's a strength enhancer, but if she uses too much of it then she can break her limbs! Although if you gave that quirk to someone with, say, twice the body mass of Itsuka, then they'd be able to use the full power of her quirk!" They punctuated this statement by enlarging their fists, slamming them into Muscular's sides and causing him to cough up blood, "So, sure, maybe you can tank one or two 100% hits, but can you tank an entire barrage of them? Let's find out, shall we?" A kick to the groin sent Muscular flying into the air, and waiting above him already was Izuka, who grabbed Muscular's arms and used Overhaul, instantly fusing the arms together.

"But first, I'll fuse your arms together, just so you can understand what it feels like to be powerless in a fight compared to your opponent."

For the first time in Muscular's life, he felt fear.

"Let's try some name ideas for Supermoves!" Izuka suggested, pulling a leg back.

"Kyoto Kick!" A kick was delivered to Muscular's abdomen.

"Wakayama Whirlwind!" A flick forwards and backwards from Izuka's hands both send Muscular flying like a bullet and kept Izuku in place before they flew after Muscular again.

"Daisen Deck!" A massive fist crashed into Muscular's face, sending teeth flying.

"UA Uppercut!" An uppercut smashed into Muscular's jaw, flinging him upwards. Finally, Izuka grabbed the barely-conscious Muscular by the shoulders and began spinning midair.

"TOKYO THROWDOWN!" And with a roar, Izuka threw Muscular down into the forest with enough force that it made a crater, and they landed soon after, letting out a sigh of relief upon seeing Muscular's unconscious body.

"Ugh, gimme a break..." Izuka groaned, stretching their arms. Their eyes suddenly widened as they remembered what they'd left on the cliffside, and they quickly bounded back up to the cliff, and was glad to see Kota and Tokoyami were still there.

"Kota-Kun, are you okay?" Izuka asked, approaching the child carefully.

"I feel like I should be asking you that!" Kota cried out, making Izuka step back, "I-Is the other one alright? Will they come back?" Tears welled up in his eyes as he said it, and all Izuka could do was shrug.

"I dunno, and I'm kinda scared to find out." Izuka admitted, moving over to Tokoyami, a sad look in their eyes.

"...I should have helped him..." Kota muttered, catching Izuka's attention. They picked up the still-unconscious Tokoyami and walked over to Kota.

"Kota-Kun, I know this sounds unhelpful, but it's not your fault, there really wasn't anything you could have done to help him." Kota scowled at that, wiping the tears out of his eyes.

"S-So what?" He snapped back, glaring at Izuka, "So what if I wouldn't have been able to help? He saved me! He treated me like his equal, and not some stupid kid! So, e-even if I couldn't help, why should that mean I can't try?" Izuka kept eye contact with the defiant Kota, and they eventually sighed, closing their eyes in defeat.

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