Chapter 44: Kurono's Bizarre License Exam

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Chapter 44: Kurono's Bizarre License Exam

Chapter 44

"Alright, everyone, get on the bus," Aizawa yawned as he stood outside the bus in question, "It's an hour drive to the Exam location, so I hope you brought a book or something." With that out of the way, Class 1-A filed onto the bus, chatting excitedly.

"We're gonna kick some ass at this exam!" Kaminari cheered.

"Yeah! Nobody can stop us if we all work together!" Izuku added.

"But what if they all work together to stop us?" Kurono asked. Izuku jumped at least half a meter into the air out of fright before spinning around to look at Kurono.

"When the fuck did you get here?!" He yelped, getting a shrug from the arrow-haired boy.

"I dunno, like 5 minutes ago?"


"Wait, why are you here, Kurono? You're a support course student, not a hero course." Kendo pointed out. Kurono sighed in annoyance as memories resurfaced.

"Nedzu thinks it would be a good idea to get a provisional hero license so I can legally defend myself. He made air quotes when he said that last part though so I think the real reason is that I can legally commit murder and pretend it was an accident that happened in self-defence." He explained, sitting down behind Izuku, who sat with Reiko. Meanwhile, Momo and Kendo sat across the aisle, both listening to Kendo's playlist and sharing a pair of earphones.

"Why didn't you go with 1-B? Isn't your little harem based in that class?" Tokoyami asked, sitting beside Kurono.

"Nedzu wanted me to go with you guys because he didn't want to hear about how multiple UA students were caught in an orgy...which to be fair-,"

"Ugh, forget I asked..." Tokoyami groaned, covering his non-existent ears.

"Suit yourself." Kurono replied. They fell into silence for a bit before Kurono spoke again, "Hey, how's the new beak? It's been, what, two, three weeks since you got it?" Tokoyami was quiet as he thought up a response.

"It' suppose it is fine. I often forget it is there, but when I do notice it I usually don't forget until the end of the day. I'm not a fan of all the looks I get now as well..." Kurono gave Tokoyami a small smile and clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"Well, always remember it could be worse, man." Tokoyami nodded in reply, and they fell into silence once more, although this time it was a far more comfortable silence. Izuku and Reiko were similar, and they were busy watching some kind of movie. Kurono smiled when Reiko began resting her head on Izuku's shoulder, and he was almost certain that those two would be married as soon as they were both 18...actually, if he remembered his Japanese law right, Izuku only had to turn 18 to marry Reiko, it's just that Reiko would need permission from her parents.

Kurono only hoped he was the best man. Ah, who was he kidding, of course he'd be the best man! Although...maybe he'd invest in some expensive gifts for Izuku's 18th birthday. Yeah, surely Izuku would be thrilled to get a private island or a trip to the moon as a present, right?

Soon enough, they arrived at the exam location, and as far as Kurono could tell he really doubted this would be anything but a physical examination, which was great news for him seeing as he didn't know any hero laws. How he knew marriage laws but not hero laws was beyond his knowledge though.

"Alright, fuckers," Aizawa started as he stretched, "I'm going to keep this nice and short so I can get back to sleeping...oh, and so you can do your exam as well, I guess.

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