Chapter 14: Discoveries

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Chapter 14: Discoveries

Chapter 14

It turned out that there actually was a burger stall, and the merry group of 6 (Tokoyami and Kendo had joined them) had all begun eating. Kurono was also scrolling on his phone as he ate, and one particular thing on his phone got him very excited.

"I'm a meme!" Kurono exclaimed, which admittedly made everyone but Tokoyami jump.

"H-huh?" Izuku said. Kurono flipped his phone around to show them their screen. It was a picture of when Izuku and Kurono had been saved by Reiko, with a caption that read "That's sweet and all, and you guys should really get married and stuff, but can we get a move on?". Directly above it was another caption over a white bar, which read "when the romance keeps interrupting the action in the story". Izuku wasn't sure what was funny, but to his surprise, the ghost of a smile appeared on Reiko's face.

"And that's not all!" He then swiped to another meme, this one being far simpler. It was a picture of an old pre-quirk rapper, except they had Kurono's hair photoshopped on, and it was made to look like he was throwing a flashbang. For some reason, that made Izuku laugh, and he wasn't quite sure why.

"Oh, and people are already shipping the competitors," Kurono added, which made Izuku abruptly stop laughing.

"Wait, what?" Izuku asked. Kurono smirked.

"It truly is amazing what twitter can do. I mean, there's only been maybe an hour of content to pick through, and they're already shipping...oh lordy. They're shipping Shiozaki and I, Mei and I, You and Reiko, You, Reiko and I, Itsuka and Momo, Bakugou and that guy from your class called Kirishima, There's a particularly nasty drawing of Monoma's entire team having a foursome, Reiko and I, Todoroki and-,"

"For the love of god, please stop!" Momo and Kendo both pleaded at the same time. Kurono happily obliged.

"Alright. Just remember that by the end of today there's gonna be fanfics written about all these ships," Kurono warned. Izuku shrugged it off. After all, how many people would even care enough to write fanfics shipping him and Reiko together?

Izuku went to take another bite of his burger when he noticed out the corner of his eye that Todoroki was slipping away from the cafeteria into the hallways of the stadium. Curiosity quickly got the better of him and he stood up.

"I'm gonna go do something. If I'm not back before we have to go back out, then Momo can have my burger. Or Reiko. Anyone, really," And before he could hear any questions he had already left to go after Todoroki. After Izuku left, Kurono and Kendo turned to Reiko.

"So...," Kurono started.

"Do not even dare to think of it," Reiko warned.

"So...," Kendo started.

"If you are plotting to say whatever I believe you are about to say...," Reiko warned.

"When are you going to ask Izuku out?" Kurono asked. Reiko scowled, taking a massive bite of her burger.

"You know, you're only prolonging your suffering by stuffing your mouth," Momo stated, getting into her 2nd burger now. Reiko groaned and swallowed her burger.

"Even if I were to ask Izuku out, what are the chances he would agree to go out with a person such as myself?" Reiko asked. Kurono, Kendo, Momo and Tokoyami all looked between each other.

"Are you...serious, Yanagi?" Tokoyami asked.

"Of course! Why would a wonderful person such as Izuku want to date me? I am nothing but a creepy weirdo who is cursed with permanent eyebags, and my quirk is nothing to write home about," Reiko argued, "Plus, there are many other people who he would be better off with," Tokoyami raised an eyebrow.

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