Chapter 1

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Trigger Warning

Drowning, Abuse, Blood, Violence

"Oi, we need you now." Seonghwa peeled his eyes open slowly and pushed his body up from the old rickety bed to see someone standing by the door to his room. The door only opens for four reasons, to give him food, to take him to the toilet, to save one of the crew from a certain death stemming from their stupidity or to be the punching bag of the crew if they're bored.

"What is it," he asked tiredly. He barely get's enough sleep as it is, too sore and restless to get to sleep.

"McMillon got stabbed while we docked, you need to fix him," the man said. Seonghwa recognised him to be someone they call Ricky, though he doesn't even think that's his name.

"I'm tired, I'll do it later," Seonghwa said with a sigh, flopping back down onto the bed in exhaustion. It's not his fault the crew was stupid and got into fights at every place they dock. Seonghwa's eyes snapped back open as a hand curled around his old shirt and yanked him up, making him stumble, trying to get his feet underneath him.

"You'll do it now you little shit, or I'll slit your throat right here," Ricky said, placing the sword to Seonghwa's throat. Seonghwa scoffed and rolled his eyes, knowing full well that he couldn't do anything as Seonghwa was the only medic on board the ship. That was the only reason he was still alive, because he could fix the crew up whenever they get themselves injured which is quite frequent. This isn't what he signed up for, not at all.

As a kid, he was always intrigued by pirates and would learn everything he could about them, dreaming to one day join a pirate crew and sail the seven seas. He was raised in a family who was pretty well off, enough for Seonghwa to be able to learn how to be a medic and when he finally turned 20, he set out to the docks to find a crew who would take him in and make his dream come true. He was excited, but that excitement changed when he was dragged onto a ship the minute he told someone he was a good medic. He was locked up the second he stepped onto the ship and has remained that way for the past close to three years apart from those four mentioned scenarios. The only source of light is a small window looking outside but it's enough for Seonghwa to be able to tell when the days pass and he keeps track of them by carving a line into the wall for each day. Sometimes Seonghwa tells himself that he would just be better off dead, rather than dealing with this confinement and abuse every day, but he just can't bring himself to let it happen.

"Move. Now," Ricky said, yanking him forwards and throwing him towards the doorway. Seonghwa tripped and stumbled, unable to stop himself from falling, wincing as his wrist connect with the floor and pain flared up slightly. He didn't have time to worry about it though, as he was yanked back up to his feet and pulled from the room. Seonghwa can fight, he knows he can but not against a crew of 20 people while he's this weak, that's impossible. He was dragged up to the deck where he immediately saw the group of people surrounding someone who was leant against the side of the ship.

"Got him Cap," Ricky said, pushing Seonghwa out towards them. This time Seonghwa did manage to remain on his feet, despite almost tripping and he straightened himself out as best as he could with his low energy. The Captain turned to him and a sickly sweet grin crossed his face. The Captain was a truly vile and disgusting man. He had yellow teeth, an old ratty beard and probably didn't own a heart. Seonghwa doesn't know how many nights he's heard people screaming over the years as he tortured them and then no doubt killed them. Just being in his presence makes Seonghwa's skin crawl uncomfortably.

"Well g'day there scruff. Got another for ya to fix up. Get to work," the Captain said nodding to the man who was holding his shoulder as it bled. Seonghwa sighed and walked over, kneeling in front of the man.

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