Chapter 3

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Hongjoong awoke to insistent knocking on his door. He groaned and sat up, brushing his hair from his face.

"I'm awake. What is it," he called out. The door opened and San walked in.

"Mystery boy is awake," San told him quietly. He looked exhausted and Hongjoong could tell he needed some sleep soon and to be relieved from his navigation duties. First of all though, Hongjoong needs to go make sure this person isn't going to be hurting his crew. Hongjoong threw his blankets off and stood up quickly, hurrying over to his cupboard. He changed into a pair of pants and slipped on his tops before grabbing his most intimidating long fur coat and put it on.

"Don't forget your scary pointy boots that click against the floor whenever you walk," San said, grabbing said boots and slipping them on to Hongjoong's feet while he put on his earrings.

"You ready to intimidate him and have your whole, I'm a scary leader fiasco," San asked. Hongjoong glared at him through the mirror on his desk.

"Yeah, like that," San said with a nod.

"Why're you so cheerful? An enemy just woke up on our ship. Shouldn't you be down protecting Yeosang," Hongjoong asked with a frown.

"I was originally worried, but I've talked to him and he seems nice and ok. Traumatised and scared, but ok. Even Youngie was fine with him and wasn't bothered when Sangie was close to him," San replied. Hongjoong's eyes went wide and anger filled his veins.

"Why the fuck have you been talking to him? Why wouldn't you call me straight away," he asked angrily. San went pale as he saw the pure anger in the Captain's eyes and he knew he messed up.

"Um, H-Hon-." He didn't get to finish as Hongjoong moved forwards and shoved him to the side as he rushed out. San winced slightly as his back smashed into the doorway, but he stayed quiet. Hongjoong went straight over to the bell beside his door and rang it loudly. The bell is used to gain the attention of the entire crew and for them to all come out onto the deck. San walked outside quickly and bit his lip nervously, standing off to the side and waiting for the others to get above deck. Jongho was the first one, seeming confused but he walked over to San, noticing the navigator seemed nervous. He glanced over at Hongjoong and winced internally, noticing the angry look in his eyes, something they don't see too often. Yunho walked up next, Mingi trailing up behind them and they both stayed silent when they noticed how angry Hongjoong looked. Mingi went to San and Jongho while Yunho as the quartermaster, went and stood beside Hongjoong.

"Where are the other two," Hongjoong asked. San shivered at the tone of his voice and shifted closer to Jongho.

"I believe they're coming soon Captain," Yunho said. Sure enough, a few seconds later Wooyoung appeared from the stairs, glancing back and holding out his hand. Hongjoong's eyes narrowed and his hand shifted down, ghosting over the hilt of his sword attatched to his belt. Yeosang arrived next and he had his arm wrapped around the enemies waist, helping him up the stairs. Hongjoong saw red.

"YEOSANG GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM," he yelled angrily. Yeosang looked over at the Captain, his lips parting in confusion of why he was so angry. Seonghwa isn't going to hurt any of them, he's actually pretty nice.

"It's fine Hon-." Yeosang didn't even get to finish his sentence before his arm was grabbed and he was yanked away. Hongjoong knows how trusting Yeosang is so he pulled him out of harms way, shoving him into Wooyoung's arms as he knew that he would catch him. He then grabbed the arm of the enemy and dragged him towards the edge of the ship. He isn't a cruel person, he swears he isn't but he needs to protect his crew. He threw him against the railing, deciding to it more gently than he usually would, for the boys. Then he grabbed the boys shirt and lifted him up, pushing him back so he was half hanging over the edge.

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