Chapter 2

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After assessing all of the mysterious boys' injuries, Yeosang was glad that he had convinced Hongjoong not to throw him overboard. The poor guy had bruises scattered all over his body, a fractured wrist, a shallow but long cut along his side and looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks. Yeosang had never seen someone in a worse state than this person. How could someone do this to another person? To one of their crew? The poor boy looked like he was beaten regularly and judging from the bags under his eyes, he didn't sleep much to top it off. Yeosang put a splint on his wrist, disinfected and stitched the cut closed and put a special cream on every bruise he could find. To be honest, judging from the state he is in, it would be a wonder if he even woke up, his body might just decide it had enough and give up.

"Youngie," Yeosang said, gaining the attention of the boy in the corner who was twirling his dagger.

"What's wrong? You ok," Wooyoung asked, sitting up quickly, his eyes scanning over Yeosang to make sure nothing was wrong.

"Yeah, I'm fine but his wrist is broken and in a splint,, can we get rid of the chain please," Yeosang asked him.

"Absolutely not. He could be dange-."

"Wooyoung he's been beaten. And he's been starved and probably hasn't slept properly in months, judging from the eyebags. It would be a miracle if he even wakes up from this, so please just take it off. At least the one on his hurt wrist. For me Youngie," Yeosang pleaded. Wooyoung's eyes shifted over to the boy in the bed, running over Yeosang's words. If what Yeosang said is true, which it will be because Yeosang is a good medic, then this poor guy has been through a lot. He actually feels a little bad for punching him, but he still can't let his guard down completely. However, he can give him this small courtesy. He stood up quickly and walked over, pulling a key from his pocket and leaning over, delicately unlocking the chain on his right wrist, placing his hand down on the bed.

"The other one is staying on Sang, just in case," Wooyoung told him.

"Thank you," Yeosang said quietly, thankful that he listened for once.

"I only do this to protect you, you know," Wooyoung said quietly, wrapping his arm around the blond's shoulder.

"I know. But you realise I can fight right? Not as well as you, but I can still protect myself," Yeosang said softly, turning into Wooyoung's side and wrapping both arms around him, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Still never going to stop protecting you," Wooyoung said with a half shrug, making Yeosang chuckle.

"Whatever. You stay here and keep an eye on him while I go talk to the Captain," Yeosang said, pulling away.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Wooyoung said with a grin, swirling his dagger.

"No. Dagger here, now," Yeosang said, holding out his hand. Wooyoung frowned and raised an eyebrow up at him. Yeosang just stood his ground and glared until Wooyoung relented and held out the dagger. Yeosang snatched it from him quickly and left the room, leaving Wooyoung to watch over the boy, knowing full well he had a second dagger in his boot for protection. Yeosang walked quickly onto the main deck and made his way over to the captains' quarters. He paused by the door and decided to knock, knowing Hongjoong was supposed to be deciding a punishment for Mingi. It was quiet for a few seconds before there was a soft 'come in' and he opened the door stepping inside. He scanned the room before his eyes landed on a teary-eyed Mingi who was laying on the bed, curled into Hongjoong's side as the Captain sat against the wall and held him. Hongjoong seemed indifferent but Yeosang knew he was doing what he could to comfort Mingi. Hongjoong isn't always the one that's up for physical contact but they get away with small things occasionally. Contact like this, he only let's go when he's looking after one of the crewmembers.

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