Chapter 9

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Trigger Warning

Storm, Drowning

Buckle up everyone, you're in for a ride this chapter

"Boys, wake up. Come on," Hongjoong said quickly, shaking Yeosang's shoulder and gently rousing him from his sleep. Yeosang opened his eyes quickly and glanced around, confused as to what was happening. Why was he being woken when he's pretty sure it's the middle of the night.

"Joong, what's wrong," he asked, his voice slurring slightly. Seonghwa and Wooyoung both stirred as well, their eyes opening as they looked at Hongjoong in confusion.

"I need you guys to come to my quarters, come on," Hongjoong said, slipping his arms around Yeosang an lifting up off the bed. Yeosang whined and wrapped his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist, tucking his head into his neck sleepily.

"Come guys, hurry up," Hongjoong said. Wooyoung noticed the slight edge to Hongjoong's tone and he sat up immediately, helping Seonghwa up as well. Hongjoong quickly carried Yeosang out of the room, the other two trailing behind him quickly. Hongjoong carried Yeosang all the way into his quarters where the others were already waiting. He placed Yeosang on the bed beside San where he quickly curled into his side.

"What's wrong? There's clearly something wrong because you wouldn't just wake everyone in the middle of the night," Yunho said with a frown. Yeosang woke himself up more but remained curled to San's side.

"We have an issue and I'm not going to sugar-coat it to you guys. We're anchored in right now but a storm is heading straight for us and it's a big one. I know we've gotten through storms but this is the biggest one we've been in. Being anchored in will only delay it but there's no way to miss it," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa shivered, fear curling into his gut as he stepped closer to Wooyoung. Wooyoung glanced to the side and noticed his anxiety so he quickly wrapped an arm around his waist, tugging him closer to his side.

"Shit. Are we going to remain anchored in," Jongho asked quickly.

"That's one of the things I wanted to talk about. San said we have about an hour or two until it's upon us so we have some decisions to make and quickly," Hongjoong said.

"Pros and cons," Mingi asked quietly.

"If we anchor in, it gives us more stability. We're less likely to sink and we're less likely to hit things. However, we will have to wait out the entire storm and we don't know how long that will take. It's safer, but it also means we have to make it through for however long it takes," Hongjoong said with a sigh.

"The storm is moving quite quickly so there's a good chance it will only take an hour to pass over, but there's also a chance that it will take multiple," San said quietly.

"Are we willing to take that risk," Hongjoong asked.

"I trust San. If he thinks it's best to stayed anchored, then I agree," Wooyoung said, the others nodding in agreement. San's stomach dropped and he looked at Hongjoong with wide and fearful eyes, shaking his head quickly.

"I-I can't," he whispered. Hongjoong quickly walked over to him and squatted down, placing his hands gently on his knees.

"Look at me Sannie," he said softly. San flicked his eyes to meet Hongjoong's and Hongjoong squeezed his knees when he noticed the tears welled up in his eyes. He knew San was scared, that he wouldn't be able to handle it if he made a decision and someone got hurt, he didn't want that pressure.

"This isn't on you. I will agree with what you think is best because either one works. If anything happens, it's on my, not you. I'm the Captain San, I have the final vote," Hongjoong said firmly. San felt guilty for putting it on Hongjoong, for making him have to take this burden.

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