Chapter 15

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Trigger Warning

Same as last chapter basically, violence, blood, injuries, death

Seonghwa managed to fight off the Crusader, kicking him to the floor and spinning back to check on Hongjoong. His heart stopped and it felt like time slowed as he saw the other Captain grab Hongjoong's shirt and yank him up, dangling him over the edge of the ship. The Captain begun to raise his sword and Seonghwa sprinted. The only thought that were running through his head were to protect Hongjoong and stop the man from killing him. He ran as fast as he could, the sword coming down and almost hitting Hongjoong but before it could, Seonghwa pitched himself forwards and spear tackled the Captain. He heard a yelp and the two of them smashed into the deck. He sword flew from his hands and slid across the deck, too far to reach. The Captain was clearly caught off-guard and he dropped his weapons as well. Seonghwa glanced to his right and saw a familiar sword with a black handle. Hongjoong's sword. He lunged forwards and grabbed it, jumping to his feet just as the other Captain did, having his own sword in hand. The staff was gone however and that levelled the playing field. Well, slightly. Seonghwa's never killed anyone before, but he promised to protect Hongjoong and that's what his going to do.

"Well, well, well, another poor soul who thinks they can beat me. You stupid, weak Captain couldn't beat me, you certainly don't stand a chance," the Captain said. He moved forwards quickly, swinging the sword with an anger and ferocity he didn't know he possessed. The Captain moved as well and the swords met with a clash. Seonghwa put all of his focus on modelling what Hongjoong had taught him, using his moves and staying quick on his feet.

"It's so much more fun when they fight back," the Captain said. Seonghwa growled angrily and continued to fight. He blocked every blow from the Captain, analysing his movements to try and find an opening, a slip up. He needs to check on Hongjoong, make sure he's ok. He's opening came when the other Captain got too cocky, chuckling arrogantly as his movements got sloppier. It was clear that he thought he was going to easily beat Seonghwa, a mere crewmate. Arrogance will be his downfall. It was around a minute later that Seonghwa found his opening. The Captain raised his sword just a little too much, exposing his entire torso and Seonghwa took his chance. He swiftly lowered the sword and jabbed it straight into the mans chest, right into his heart. The Captain froze, his mouth opening wide in a silent scream, the sword dropping from his hand and clattering to the deck with a loud sound. Seonghwa held the sword tightly and reached his hand out wrapping it around the mans shoulder. Seonghwa smirked, his eyes narrowing and his head tilting to the side slightly as he bent down to face the Captain. The man looked shocked, confused. Seonghwa's grin widened and he leaned forwards, placing his lips beside his ear.

"You got too cocky asshole. You should know never to underestimate your enemy, especially if you nothing about them," Seonghwa whispered before leaning back.

"Wh-Who a-are you," the man coughed out, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"I'm Park Seonghwa and you fucked with the wrong crew," Seonghwa said before tightening his grip on the mans shoulder and driving the sword further into his chest. The man coughed and a bunch of blood spewed from his mouth. The light slowly left the mans eyes and Seonghwa pulled the sword out of his body and he dropped to the floor. Seonghwa spun around to go help Hongjoong but froze when he was nowhere to be seen. He should be beside the side of the ship. Dazed and not moving but he should be there. Where else could he... Seonghwa's eyes widened as he realised the man had held Hongjoong over the edge of the ship. Meaning when he let go-Oh god. Hongjoong looked like he had no energy, like he couldn't even stand up. How is he supposed to swim? Memories of the pain, the suffocating feeling of being underwater. He can't let Hongjoong go through that, he's been down their too long. Seonghwa mustered all of his bravery, all the strength he had and he ran to the edge, grabbing the railing and vaulting over, plunging into the darkness below. His body plunged into the water, the coldness engulfing him. Fear shot through him but he pushed it away, remembering what the boys had taught him when he went swimming with them. He kicked himself to a surface, taking a deep breath of relief. He started paddling to keep himself afloat, scanning the water as quick as he could but there were no lights around so he couldn't see much.

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