● Pretty Smile ●

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Mirage × Quiet! Reader


The clock was ticking on the wall in the lobby as we're waiting for our teams to be announced on the big screens, I check my watch with the info of the area that we were heading to for today's match.
"Looks like were heading to Olympus" I said to myself as I observe the others in the lobby.
They all look so serious and well prepared for what's going to happen in the match, I liked observing them, they all look and act really interesting and serious when a match is going on, but when we have a day off or a holiday, everyone seems so nice to each other...with a few exceptions.
I wasn't much of a talker myself, but everyone seems to understand me through my thoughts..I think?

As I looked back at the clock, I felt that someone was behind me, so I turned around to see Mirage looking at me from where he was standing or...where his clones are standing.
Then I got poked from the front by the real Mirage aka. Elliot Witt.
"M: Hey there Alba! I got you there, didn't I?"
He said, feeling confident in that he pulled off a trick even though I knew that it was just his clones. I shake my head and his smile turned upside down.
"M: Aww man, I thought that I tricked you"
He said with a pout. I giggled a little bit while patting him on the shoulder, making his frown turn into a smile.
He looks at the clock and then back at me.
"M: So, are you prepared for the match? Because you seem to be the only one that seems unprepared, to me anyway. Please don't take it in a bad way"
He said as he scratched the back of his head, thinking that he made me get pissed at him for what he said. It didn't offend me in the slightest.

The screen lit up and starts to announce that we were almost at Olympus and that they're going to announce the teams for today's match.
This time we were in trios, so I'm not too surprised with that.
The teams were being announced one by one and I was teamed up with Fuse and Mirage.
"F: Oh this team is going to be great"
Said Fuse enthusiastically while Mirage was glad to be on the team with me, his words not mine.
"M: Nothing can stop us, the best trio in the world"
Said Mirage as he's boasting about how good our team is. I can't help with smile to their words, making me feel braver and prepared to face any danger and risk in any match.

---○◇ In the area of Olympus (13 Squads Left) ◇○---

The match was going pretty smoothly for our group, we did get attacked by two enemy squads, but we were able to pull it off and survive.
"M: That was close..TOO close for us, we could have been eliminated already"
"F: Yeah, best to keep our guards up mates or else were dead meat..literally"
I was walking behind them as they were looking for another path to get us to the safe zone faster and safely from another attack. I was in deep trouble from the second fight, because I got knocked down by Newcastle with a Volt SMG and almost got myself killed..unintentionally anyway.
I was staying silent to get myself healed and gain my shields back, so that I wouldn't get oneshoted.
"F: Ya doin' alright mate? You almost got yourself eliminated"
"M: Yeah, how are you holding up?"
Both of them ask as they turned around to look at me, I gave them a thumbs up.

"F: Good to know that ya are okay mate"
"M: Yeah, what would we do if we lost you buddy?"
"F: Well, we would revive her if we got close to a respawn beacon"
"M: I know that, but what if there weren't any left?"
"F: Okay fair enough mate"
Both of them said, I sighed a little bit before hearing something behind me, I quickly alerted them while pulling out an Alternator from my pocket. They pulled out their weapons and aimed at the direction of the sound.
But it came from below us, I take a peak and it was an enemy squad, looting some death boxes and talking about their plan.
All three of us listen in on the plan without them noticing us above them.
"M: Rampart, trying to be sneaky like always.."
Said Mirage in a whisper, I look at him and he looks at me.
"M: Don't tell her that I said that"
I nod my head and then Fuse pointed to where we're going to be heading and we quickly left before they started to think that we were onto them.

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