Peace and Quiet

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Ballistic × Reader

Scenario: Y/N likes to have some alone time by the Bonsai Plaza in Olympus for some good tea and relaxation in the afternoon. When Ballistic found out where they always are in the afternoon, he went to check on her and bring them something to make their day even better.



"B: They should be around here somewhere.."
Says Ballistic to himself while carrying a big bag with items and some kind of mystery gift inside it and looking for Y/N. Then he finally noticed them sitting under a tree by the plaza.

"B: Ah, there they are" He said as he walks towards them with the bag in hand.
Y/N is sitting under a tree, looking at the view while drinking some tea and listening to music through their small radio that they carry with them here.
All that they could hear was the sound of the birds, music and the nearby footsteps. They turn their head to the right and see Ballistic walking towards them with the bag.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Hey there Ballistic, how did you know where I was?" I ask him out of curiousity, he smiles a little bit.
"B: Well miss Wattson told me where you always like to take your mind off of things and relax, so I thought that I would come and check up on you, to make sure that you're okay" he says to me as he stops next to me with the bag. I look over to the bag that he was holding in his left hand and then back at him.
"What's with the bag if I may ask?"

"B: Oh, I just brought a little something to make your afternoon better. Think of it as a generous gift from a friend in the Apex Games" he said as he handed me the bag carefully while having a kind looking smile on his face.
I look into the bag to find some packets of flavored tea, a pretty flower crown and an envelope inside.
" really went out of your way to get this..just for me?" I look at him with a surprised look on my face, he chuckles.
"B: Well, I have to admit that I had some help from our fellow legends..well at least from the once that had some free time that is"

He starts to tell me about who helped him or suggested the gifts for me that he could get, I was smiling throughout the entire time as he was talking, the gifts that he got me are some of the finest teas that I can't even afford myself!
The flower crown looked so handmade, like if he made it himself, which he definetly did because of the way it was made, gently and with a lot of patience.
But the envelope in the bag is still a mistery to me.
"B: Well I'll excuse myself so that you can get back to your alone time"

"Actually, you can stay and have some tea with me, if you want"
He looked at me with a bit of a surprised look on his face.
"B: Really? You want me to be here with you?"

"Of course, you went through all this trouble just to get here with all those wonderful gifts that you must be tired"

"B: Well I do feel a bit tired from walking, so..don't mind if I do"
He says as he sits down next to me.
I take out a portable kettle that I always have with me when I go here to the Bonzai Plaza to relax, then I took out a big water bottle and poured the water from it into the kettle and start it up.
"So, which flavor should we go with Ballistic?"

"B: Oh, now that's difficult if I do say so myself, because I've already tried every flavor of tea from this brand"

"Well I only tried half of their brand, so some of them that you got for me are really new to me, like that vanilla and strawberry combo"
I said as I hold the box of tea in my hand.

"B: Well if I could, I would recommend you to try the plum, orange and lavender flavor combo. It may have a really aromatic scent, but the taste is incredible"

"Wait, what about this one? The pineapple and dragon fruit combo flavor? It looks really interesting, even the packaging looks cute"

I said, showing it to him. He thinks for a bit and then nods his head in agreement.
I open the box of tea, pull out two teabags and put them in the cups that I prepared earlier.
The kettle made a click sound, which meant that the hot water was ready and I pour it into the cups carefully.
The aroma of the tea was so sweet that it made me smile, I look over at Ballistic, who was already enticed by the aroma.
"Here's your tea" I said while smiling and nudging him lightly in the leg with my foot.
"B: Oh, I do apologize for that sudden late reaction, I just got so enticed by the aroma of the tea that I didn't pay attention"
He said as he scratched his head and takes the cup of tea from my hands carefully.
"It's okay, that happens to all of us"

We both were drinking our tea in complete silence and just stared at the view from the Bonzai Plaza. I was smiling while drinking the tea that I had in my cup, it was really good and it brings me back to my childhood.
I let out a small giggle and that somehow caught Ballistic's attention away from the view onto me.
"B: What's with the giggling? Did something interesting happen?"

"Well, the flavor of the tea just brings me back to my childhood, when my family and I went on vacation to Hawaii, those were some great memories and I even had some funny moments with my older brother during the trip"

"B: Oh, that sounds nice" he said as he looked away from me to focus on the view again.
We both continue to sit and drink our tea in comforting silence, both of us were still smiling.
It's like we found something in common that we both can do together in our free time.
Then out of nowhere Ballistic puts the flower crown on my head that he put in the bag from earlier.
"B: I do must say, the flower crown that I made really suits you and your fashion style"
He says as he adjusts the flower crown on my head so that it would look even prettier on me.
I was still smiling throughout the entire time as he was adjusting the flower crown on me, then he gave me the envelope.

"So, you want me to open it now?"

"B: Why yes, but if you want to save it for later then that's up to you" He said as he took two steps away from me with his hands behind his back. I think for a bit about the letter and I put it back into the bag.
"I'll save it for later, so that I could give you my opinion on it later" I said with a smile.

"B: That's understandable, take all the time that you need" he said as he was fixing his coat that he wears during the games.

"B: Well, I should get back to the others. I had a lovely time with you here by the Bonzai Plaza, I hope that I can join you again next time like we did today."

"Of course we can do this again sometime! I had a lot of fun drinking tea with you Ballistic"
I said with the biggest smile on my face, which made him smile and chuckle.
"B: I'm happy to hear that, glad that I made your day even better. Oh, also do come back to us in time, Mirage is hosting one of his parties again on the Mirage Voyage"

"Of course, I would never miss Mirage's parties for the world!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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