The Prey Becomes The Hunted

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Bloodhound × Reader

Scenario: Fighting in Kings Canyon during the night is something that happens rarely and today that reason is because it's solo season!
But Y/N's not doing so well during this season, due to them being eliminated very quickly or not being able to react quickly, but this time it gets more challenging than last time by a sudden hunter going after them...

Strap in, it's a long one!


"Fuck..this hurts like hell.." I said as I had my hand wrapped around my bleeding right thigh.
I kept on looking behind me to make sure that I was far from the others, especially Bloodhound who inflicted this big open wound on me before getting attacked by some of the others. Unfortunately, I was leaving behind a bloody trail that was going to lead them to me eventually.
I quickly headed to The Cage and hide on top.

Holy am I not dead yet..even from the wound, how is that possible?"

---[Hours Before This Event Happened]---

"I'm so nervous right now" I said to myself as I stood by the door to the lobby, where everyone was waiting for the match to start. I walk into the room and everyone looked at me immediately.
I looked at them and waved with a nervous look on my face.
"B: Hello félagi fighter" greets Bloodhound while sharpening their knife, I smile a little bit at their greeting before an arm was wrapped around my shoulder.
"O: why the long face amiga? Is it because we're fighting solo tonight?" Asks Octane while having his arm around my shoulder.
"Well..kind of, but I'm just not feeling like I'm prepared for this match at all. Which is sudden to be honest with you and everyone else"

"O: Oh, well that sucks"

"H: Oh dearie, is it because of your sudden bad luck during the matches from this month?"

"Yeah..I guess that's it and I'm just nervous about me messing up straight away when we land in the arena"
I said with my head down.
Before any one of us could say something, the screen lit up and the speakers were making sudden buzzing noises, announcing that the match is starting and that we should get onto the platforms to get ready and jump off.
Bloodhound goes next to me on the platform and holds my hand for a bit.
"B: I wish you the best of luck in today's match félagi fighter, you'll need it"
They said to me before letting go of my hand and looking below at Kings Canyon to see and decide where to land. I did the same thing like everyone else did and all of us jumped off of the platforms and head to our chosen zones.

--Few Rings Later--

Location: Capacitor

I looked at my watch to see that there were still half of us left in the game, which was impressive. More impressive is that I'm still in the game with some kills and I managed not to get myself eliminated yet.
"Maybe my luck is turning around for once.."
I said to myself as I was grabbing some ammo by a nearby building, so that I could be able to fight back.
Then out of nowhere, an axe hit the wall and it was so close to my head that I didn't have time to even react to the situation that I was getting myself into.
"Oh shit" I said under my breath as I make my quick escape before they could get inside the room. I start to run for my life and I managed to even get out of the building in time, then gunshots were heard around me and I was still running for my life, I managed to get to the top away from the Capacitor, but then I felt a sudden sharp pain on my right thigh, I got shot by someone from miles away from where I was now, I let out a short loud scream and fall on one knee and used my hand to quickly get up and keep my balance.
I turned my head around for a split second to see that who shot me just now was...Bloodhound.
I noticed that they were getting attacked by the others, it was my chance to quickly get away and heal myself.

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