Man This Bites

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Vampire! Mad Maggie × Reader

Scenario: Ever Since Mad Maggie was with all of the legends, including you. She has been itching to get someone to be her "walking blood bag" as she would call it. She wanted to go for Fuse at first but changed her mind when she saw you talking with him, she had an idea.

Strap in! It's a long one!
[that's what she said × v ×]

[3rd Person P.O.V]

"M: Man..I really need one of those eggs to be my walking blood bag, drinking from those blood bags is so boring nowadays."
Said Margaret to herself, feeling pissed off at the fact that no one wants to give her some blood, with the exception of Lifeline offering some from  the blood bags in a cooler that was in the infirmary.
She needed something her words, tasteful and damn good blood, not the bland and tasteless stuff that was in those bags.
She walks into the lobby, where everyone was. Just chilling out, she went to sit down and stared at all of them, thinking of who to choose to be her "walking blood bag".

She leans back and thinks for bit before she got distracted by the door opening, she saw Fuse, Ballistic and Y/N walk in, talking to each other.
"M: I could choose Wally here, but it wouldn't be as fun as taking his arm in the past"
She said under her breath while staring at the three of them, but then her eyes follow over to the most helpful legend among the group, Y/N.
She was in her team a couple of times during the games and noticed how helpful and quick she was, even in the toughest of times during them.
She never judged her for being a criminal or for her other stuff in her past. So in her book, she was a safe bet.
She gets up and starts to head to them.

[Y/N's P.O.V]

"F: Ya should challenge each other in who's the best shooter, seriously, both of ya are good"
Says Fuse to me and Ballistic, both of us looked at each other with a smile and nod to Fuse's statement.
"That's nice of you to say that Fuse, but I wouldn't be able to win against a legend like Ballistic"
"B: You do flatter me miss L/N, but you're on the same level as me"
"No I'm not" I said to him as I lightly nudged him on the shoulder, he lets out a small chuckle.
Before we could continue where our conversation left off, a hand was placed on my shoulder. Making me slightly jump from the sudden cold touch, I turn my head around to see Margaret staring at me with a smile.
"M: hey there Y/N" she said, still smiling while her golden fang was showing a bit.
"Oh, hey Maggie, do you want to join in on the conversation?"

"M: Not really, but I would like to talk to ya about..a problem that I've been having ever since being here with these eggs" she said, her voice slightly changing tone. She was about to take me somewhere more private, but I got pulled away from her by Ballistic.
"B: listen here Miss Kōhere , we can see clearly see what you're trying to do here"

"F: Yeah Maggie, ya can't just try and make her your walking blood bag or whatever ya call it, can't you stick with the blood bags that Lifeline provides you with?"
Says Fuse with his arms crossed, but Maggie wasn't having it. She roughly pulls me away from Ballistic's grasp and holds onto my shoulder

"M: listen here Wally, drinking that tasteless garbage is so boring and not good anymore, I need someone with more flavor then those bags they call blood"
She said with one arm resting around my shoulder, slowly pulling me closer to her side.
All three of them were staring at each others like hawks while I was standing really awkwardly from how Margaret is holding me. The other legends seem to know what's going on and someone pulled me out of Maggie's grasp, making her turn around to see who did it..Mirage.
"M: You know guys, maybe we should just not fight over something so stupid!"
Said Mirage as he was still holding onto me before letting me go. Margaret just scoffs and leaves the lobby without saying a word, except for giving showing a middle finger at all of us before leaving.

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