Chase and Blood 2

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Vampire! Caustic × Reader

! This is a continuation from the first one, so please read the first part before reading this one, thank you !

Scenario: After the events of the last solo match, Y/N was recovering from the aftermath and from Caustic's attack, but there was still something on her mind and the same goes for Caustic himself, what's with them? Today was another match, this time being duos and Caustic, even though he's not with her on the team, still wants to hunt her down like last time, but Y/N wouldn't let it happen...or will something else happen? I guess you'll just have to find out yourself.

A/N = Just a heads up, the first half of this oneshot will be with Fuse, then it's all about Caustic! Anyways enjoy because it's pretty long!


"L: Alright, that should do it" said Lifeline as she was patching up my wounded arm that was still recovering from the attack.
"Thanks Lifeline, it would have taken me hours to wrap this up myself..also I would look like an unwrapped mummy in a casket" I said, joking to brighten up the mood and she lets out a chuckle, but still had a worried look on her face.
"L: are you sure that you'll be okay Y/N? I could tell Gibby or Anita to protect you from Caustic if anything like this happens again"

"It's nice of you to do that Ajay, but..."

"But what?"

"I don't want to see you guys get hurt, no matter who it is, I can take care of myself just fine. The match from last time was unbeatable, I at least had some time to escape the first time thanks to Elliot distracting him..but then getting eliminated after I ran away..."
I said with my head down, feeling guilty of not helping Mirage back there during the fight.

Ajay lets out a sigh and pats me on the back.

"L: look, if anything happens, just let us know okay? Don't wait until the last minute to do so"
She said, clearly worried about me.

After I left Ajay's room, I noticed Fuse in the hallway, standing back first against the wall like he was waiting for someone, until his attention turned to me.

"F: hey Y/N, how are ya holding up mate? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything's okay. It was just a check up after all"

"F: I know that mate, but I meant mentally"

"Yeah, I'm fine mentally, don't worry about that. I kind of figured it out anyway before the incident"

Fuse looked at me with his arms crossed and sighed.

"F: Look mate, the match is going to start in a couple of minutes, are you prepared for this? Are you sure that you want to do this today with him in there today?"

I let out a sigh and placed my hand in his.

"I am prepared...but I have to be prepared for HIM again, this time I will know what to do..."
I gulped from already feeling uneasy.

"I hope...let's just get to the lobby"

---(Hours Later)---

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