Listen Mate!

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Rampart × Male! Reader

Scenario: It was a weekend and you were chilling at Mirage's bar, chatting with him and Rampart, who you had a crush on, up also felt that she might reject you real fast if you told her that you had a crush on her and that you liked her..a whole lot.
But somehow she read you like a book and took you to her workshop to talk to you about something.

Requested by: Buffmirage1


<Location: Mirage's Bar>

"R: Cheers to another victory mates!" Cheered Ramya as she raised her pint of beer, so did Elliot and I, we managed to win today's match with the biggest amount of kills as a group combined.
"M: We really make a great team! I really mean it"  said Mirage as he takes a sip of his beer.
"Hell yeah we do, our abilities work so well together and our communication is top notch!" I said, drinking the beer that I had in my hand.
"R: Well said mate! Now let's celebrate the night away!" She said, drinking her beer.
Ever since I joined the games, Rampart was the first person that I got to meet. She was a could say rude, but she really wasn't. It was just her personality that sparked my interest in her in the first place, she's fun, hyper and best of all, a really good mechanic!
But, I'm still not sure about telling her that I liked her..a whole lot actually, not just as a friend.
Suddently, I got slapped on the back and I snapped back into reality, looking over at the person that slapped me on the back, it was Ramya herself.

"R: Are you alright mate? You've been spacing out for a while now, what's up with you?"
She said, looking at me with a concerned look on her face and one hand resting on her hip.
"Oh, I was just thinking....maybe a bit too hard though"
I said with a laugh, she smiled brightly and was still looking at me with that smile, then she pulled me out of my seat and turned to Mirage.
"R: Oi, Witt! We're leaving alright? We're going to crash into our beds"
She said loudly, still smiling.
"M: Oh okay. See ya tomorrow at the dropship! Just don't oversleep like last time!"

"R: Yeah yeah, just don't oversleep yourself Witt!"
She said as she laughed and dragged me out of Mirage's bar, I waved him goodbye before we got out of there.

<Location: Rampart's Workshop>

I was starting to feel nervous about why I was taken to Rampart's workshop, does she need help with anything? Like cleaning? Sorting some items and tools?
"R: Alright Y/N, I need you to tell me what's up. Cause you've been acting a bit out of place you know, no offence"
She said with her arms crossed, waiting for an answer.
"Oh..well, I was just spacing out a lot, I guess I didn't get enough-"
"R: Sleep? I highly doubt that. Come on mate, you better have a really good excuse for doing that, otherwise I might just grab a wrench and smack you over the head with it to make you go running like an engine again"
She said, now a bit peeved. I was standing still while looking at her, sweating like a waterfall.

I said, but then I just stopped there. I couldn't say anything due to the amount of nervousness that I was feeling at the moment, she then noticed that my face was red and starts to laugh.
Is she laughing at me?
"R: Man, you really know how to crack me up mate..that was so good!" She said as she was trying to calm down from laughing, but couldn't.
I was just standing there with my head down, starting to feel ashamed for not confessing in a right way. She then rests her hand on my shoulder, calming down from her laughing fit.
"R: Listen here mate, I knew that you had your little crush on me for the past couple of months, ain't that right?"
She said, smiling through her words. I was now in shock, so she KNEW about me having a crush on her! She just read my like a book, cover to cover!
I calm down and look at her, still feeling that my face was red and heating up.

"Well..yeah, you got me there. But I really REALLY love everything about you! Your confidence, your attitude, your creations and..well, everything that you do. So I was wondering if..."

"R: If I want to go out with you?"


We both stayed silent for a while...before she spoke up.
"R: Ah, what the hell, let's do it!"
She said as she grabbed me by my hand and pulled me close to her.
"R: should I pick a place or will you do all that mate? Cause..I don't really know what you like besides cheese, machines and me"
She said, both of us let out a laugh as we were really close to each other and then back away from each other while smiling.
"Any requests for out first date?"
I ask her politely, Ramya thinks for a bit before settling on the idea of us going to the movies to watch a movie about machines and killer robots.
"So, tomorrow at 2 p.m.?"
"R: You got it mate, just don't oversleep mate, otherwise I'll drag you out of bed myself"
"Not unless it's the other way around Ramya!"
"R: Shoot, you're right, well I'll be ready at 6 a.m. sharp!"
"I'll be in 4! Beat that!"
I said, we were both laughing our asses off before I had to leave her workshop to go back home to get some sleep. But not before calling out to me.
R: Oi listen mate! I like you okay? So don't be that nervous around me next time!"
I nod my head and give her a thumbs up before leaving with the biggest smile on my face.

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