~ Feelings ~

170 2 0

Ash × Male,New! Reader

Requested by: Solarsay
P.S. => I really tried to make it like you requested, so I hope that you enjoy it ^ v ^

"I can't believe this view...it's amazing!"
I said, still amazed with the view of World's Edge.
"M: Well..it used to look great, but now it's looks like if there was a war..literally"
"Oh come on Mirage, don't say that. It still looks nice in some parts, you can't deny that, right?"
"M: I guess you're right bro"
Said Mirage as he scratched his head while we were standing in the dropship, then I felt that someone's eyes were on me and when I looked over, it was her.

I've heard about her only from Mirage, Horizon and Bloodhound, she looked really intimidating and could kill you if she wanted to, so she scares me a little bit but..maybe if I make friends with her, then she won't kill me.
I was about to ask her why she's staring at me but then she stood up and walked over to me.
"A: Prepare yourself, we're about to jump out of the dropship and land somewhere"
I said, stuttering a little bit.
"M: Good luck buddy!" Said Mirage before running off to his teammate.
Both of us stand on the platform and Ash was the Jumpmaster, so she was choosing where we are going to land and fight..or just loot the area.

"A: Let's land here"
She said as she pin pointed the location of Harvester, I agree to it and we quickly jumped off of the platform and follow Ash to the location.
"This is so fast!!"
I yell out, Ash just lets out a sigh as we land to our destination.
"A: Grab anything that's useful, if not then just look elsewhere"
I stood there, looking at her while grabbing a weapon but I didn't move from my spot.
"A: are you just going to stand there?"
"No, I wasn't going to, but could I join you while we're looting the place?"
Ash looked at me and thinks for a bit.
"A: No" she said blankly, I just looked at her with a surprised look on my face. "Why not? I just want to get to know you, in a friendly way of course"
"A: you're being annoying for a newbie"
"I know, but I'm not trying to be pushy"
"A: get to looting before we move out again"
"Okay okay, I will"
I said as I went below to search for items that I need, like ammo, a shield and other things that should keep me alive during the match.

After we finished looting the area, we start to head to the next area, which was Fragment West.
While we were walking to the location,  I noticed from the corner of my eye that Ash was looking at me over her shoulder, I look at her and she looked away from me instantly.
"Is everything okay Ash? Do you want to get to know each other?"
I said and then she stopped walking as we were in front of Fragment West already, but we are still on a hill.
"A: I'm just checking if any squads are sneaking up on us you fool, nothing more, nothing less"
She said before focusing on the location that she wants us to go to.
"A: This way, follow me." She said as she motioned me to follow her and I do so.
We went into one of the buildings to loot the place and I find a couple of death boxes.
"There were a couple of squads here already, so-"
"A: be vigilant newbie, squads are near by"
She said as he grabbed a couple of things from the death boxes and prepared her weapon.
"A: loot the boxes, but be quick about it or else you're slowing me down"
"Okay okay! You don't have to be rude to me you know!"
I said as I quickly looted the death boxes and prepared my weapon.

"A: ...."
"Are they inside the building?"
I said, whispering.
"A: doesn't sound like it, it's more that they are near it outside, but still..stay vigilant"
I pull out a thermite grenade and a arc star and fuse them together.
"A: what are you doing now?"
"I'm creating a fusion between a thermite grenade and a arc star, which creates a huge explosion and burns them in the process, watch."
I said as I threw the fusion at a enemy squad and then...
The explosion killed and eliminated them in an instant, giving me two kills onto my kill feed.
"And that's how you get quick and easy kills"
I said as I turned to look at Ash, who was quiet during the entire process.
"Everything okay?"
"A: Yes"
She said before standing up and looking at me again with her silent stare.
"A: You actually proved that you're actually useful, unlike the other so called 'legends' . Keep on being like this and I might start to like you new legend"
"I guess that means a 'thank you' ?"
Then, she started to glitch out and another voice joins in.
"A. (Dr. Reid): actually, it means that I'm starting to love you when you're like this, you're more useful and more accurate with your hits and just being nice while knowing what you're doing, it's great! I think that I should start trusting you more even though you're still a newbie here"

My heart skipped a beat, she actually LOVES me!? Fron the rest!? WHAT!?
Then she stopped glitching and Ash just shakes her head and pushing the other voice into the back of her head.
"So..you actually like me in the end even though I'm still new to all of this?"
I ask again, Ash looked away a little bit before pulling out her sword.
"A: maybe, but don't get all soft yet, the match isn't over."
"Yeah, I know that, I'm just asking-"
"A: questions and answers later, let's just get this match over with..useful newbie"
She said as she pulled me up and started to drag me around World's Edge and killing off enemy squads one by one while helping each other.


I'm starting to feel more comfortable around her, even if she scares me.

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