Midnight Drink

166 0 4

Ballistic × Reader

Scenario: You somehow managed to get inside the legendary August Brinkman's mansion with the help of Octane. Even though you didn't want to do it, Octane forced you to do it, to see what would happen if you did so.
You wanted to know him better, but not in this way, will you get along with him or will he think of  you as something less than normal?

TW: mentions of alcohol (just one)

Please note that this is more of a..I guess frenemy to friends scenario, but also don't think of this as anything bad (this is not like the other oneshots that I write, well not yet at least, so please just think of this as a frenemy to friends oneshot, anyways enjoy!)

also it's pretty long, so strap in! T v T


"O: Oh come on chica! You wanted to get to know that old dude, so now's your chance!"
Said Octane as he was shoving me closer towards the way that he made so that I could get into Ballistic's house..or it's more of a mansion to be honest.

"OCTANE, I don't want to do it this way, I literally told you 30 times that I would just like to get to know him in a normal way, not breaking into his house like a stalker" I said, clearly angry at Octane for making me do something that I don't want to do, but then he justs pushes me inside, closed the door and ran away as quickly as he could.
"I'm gonna get him back for this if I get into trouble, I will.."I think about what to say, but I couldn't think of anything to say.
I look at the hall from the room that Octane got me in.
"Well..since I'm here already, I should get to the exit as quickly and quietly as much as possible without getting caught by him"

I walk around quietly, looking at all the things that are in THE August Brinkman's mansion.
So many incredible things and stuff was in the halls and some of the more visible rooms, like the living room, the armory and so on.
A couple of minutes later and I managed to find the front entrance..my exit out of here so that I wouldn't get caught.
"Oh thank god, now I can get out of here and nobody won't know that I was here..by force"
I said to myself, feeling relieved that I can leave without getting caught...
Or so I thought.
Next thing I knew, the front entrance door was locked and I couldn't open it, but also I felt the tip of a gun close to the back of my head.
I froze in place and didn't say a word..and not making a single noise.
"B: Just where do you think you're going trespasser?"
Said Ballistic as he was still pointing a gun to my head, then he wrapped his arm around my neck and held me in a hostage like position and dragged me somewhere in the mansion.
I was still scared shitless and still didn't say or make a peep.

We got to his living room and he throws me onto the sofa across from an arm chair, where he sits down, gun still in his hand.
"B: I'll give you 10 seconds to give me a reason not to do anything that I will regret youngster"
He said, visibly displeased at me for being in his mansion unannounced.
"Octane made me do it, he forced me to sneak into your mansion without asking for permission or asking you if I could come visit, because I had some things that I wanted to ask you and he just didn't listen to me that I-"
"B: stop it there"
He said, lowering his gun a little bit, thinking about what to do with me. Then he placed his gun on the table and went to get something from one of the cabinets in the room. I let out a slight sigh of relief.
He comes back with a bottle of good old classic Whiskey and two glasses, he starts to pour the hard liquor into the glasses and hands me one.
I looked at him confused.
"Thank you?" I said, still confused.
"B: hmm...so you wanted to ask me some questions? What are they if I may ask?"
He says as he takes a small sip of the whiskey from his glass.

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