Chase and Blood

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Vampire! Caustic × Reader

Scenario: Caustic has always been keeping a close eye on Y/N (A.K.A = Neon) whenever he was with her or against her in a match, but this time it was different.
This week they are playing solo and he planned to do something to her also get Y/N to submit to him and be his test subject

TW: Blood, Spicy (maybe cringy)

Also it's very long, so strap in guys! Cause here we go!

Y/N's P.O.V

It was nighttime and we were all geared up for tonight's match in King's Canyon.
"I can't believe that we are having a solo match during night hours" I said as I was sitting next to Mirage and Wattson.
"W: well, I guess they want us to fight solo during the night, since this is the last time were going solo and then we go back to groups" said Wattson as she was playing with her thumbs, Mirage nods to what she said and lets out a yawn.
I let out a sigh of relief, both of them looked at me.
"M: What's with the sigh of relief for Y/N?"

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. It's just a relief you know...because someone has been after me throughout the whole solo period"
"W/M: WHAT!? Who was it?"
They both said in a shock, I saw in their eyes that they were worried about me because of what I just said.
"Caustic has been giving me stares and has been on my tail for..almost the entire period of all of us going solo"
"W: Why would Dr. Caustic go after you like that? That's really scary"
"M: Considering that he is scary by his standards"
Said Mirage as he crossed his arms, Wattson pats my shoulder to comfort me.
"Thanks for the comfort Wattson, I appreciate it"
"W: No problem Y/N, we'll try to keep you alive even though were suppose to be all against each other in solos"
"M: Yeah, but we like to break the least if it doesn't cross the line"

<> ...Couple Hours Later... <>
Location: Hillside Outpost (Kings Canyon)

"How many is that now..?"
I said to myself as I check my watch to see how many kills I got this time...10 kills
Better than last time, but I still haven't seen Wattson, Mirage...nor Caustic.
His name already sends shivers down my spine, but after what happends after each match, he keeps on giving me this look that makes me feel scared...his eyes pierce through my skin and his voice already sends chills down my spine.

After a split second my thoughts disappeared as panic went through my mind, because a bullet grazed my arm, causing me to yelp in pain.
I quickly jumped off of a building to see that my arm was bleeding from the bullet. "Shit,that hurt"
I said to myself before peaking out from behind the building and pulling out my Volt-SMG in case they were close to my location.
I peaked out and it was indeed Caustic, god damnit!
I was about to try and sneak off but a hand was placed on my shoulder and I got shoved into a wall. I let out another yelp and I turn to look and see that it was Caustic.

"C: Look what the cat dragged in..Mrs. L/N"
He said as he took a couple steps towards me and I start to back away from him, still holding onto my Volt-SMG in case he tried to do anything.
"C: what a great night...isn't it? The moon is out and it makes us even stronger, am I right?"
"For your case, I guess so..but for me with your presence near me, it makes my night unpleasant Caustic"
I said, still backing away from him. He kept on coming closer to me and he steps on my leg hard enough to stop me from getting away from him.

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