Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

It was a little after sunrise when I surprisingly ran into my brother in the entrance hall of the small townhouse. I had been heading to the dining room to have some breakfast when I found him there ready to head out. He appeared relieved to see me despite the clear lines of exhaustion in his face.

" Oh Fallon, thank the gods you're an early riser. I'd rather have this conversation in person as you'll no doubt argue and fight me on this – as you always do with everything."

"That's not a good start, besides I'm not THAT intolerable" I retorted. Taking note that he was in his full military garb I continued softly " And where are you going dressed like that so early in the morning ? I thought you weren't on duty today since you had the night watch last night. You look exhausted."

He sighed. "That's what I wanted to see you about. There was an incident last night, I'm not at liberty to say more but the Captain has requested that everyone report for duty today and has increased the watches. The castle's on full lockdown. I want you to promise me that you'll stay here today and make sure to keep all the windows and doors locked and barred."

"Elik..." I tried a sympathetic look and goey eyes. I hated being told to sit idly inside. I preferred the outdoors and he knew that.

"No Fallon don't argue. It's for your own safety and my peace of mind."

"I hate being locked up. Even if it's only for a couple of days." I couldn't help but complain. I knew I had gotten my way when he pinched his nose. He always did that before conceding defeat.

"I don't have time for this. If I'm late Dryden will have my hide. I can't stop you from doing whatever you want anyways. Just please promise me you'll be careful and won't wander in the lower side of the city."

"Ok. I promise. I can do that." I conceded with a smug smile. I had gotten my way and Elik had been relieved anyways. The secret all women knew was how to trick a man into wanting what you want. Or at least manipulate him to think he has won the verbal battle when he's actually giving you what you wanted all along.

After a delicious breakfast I spent some time in the library before hurrying back upstairs. I hadn't forgotten the royal missive summoning me to tea in the castle this afternoon. I would be surprised if it was maintained but no message came forth to cancel it so I prepared myself anyways. Just going to the castle and seeing the aftereffect of last night's visit would be entertaining enough, even if I was sent away.

I put on the prettiest dress I had with me and had the maids do my hair appropriately. It was an honor to be so distinguished as to get an invitation to tea with a member of the royal family, and my appearance had to reflect that. I briefly wondered whether ,in light of recent events, it would really be maintained and if I would see Dryden. He would probably be busy trying to figure out how I got in last night and organizing their defenses. Maybe even preparing for an attack.

Nonetheless I arrived unperturbed at the gates of the castle with my invitation precisely on time. I was unsurprised to see that the guard there had been doubled. While one guard studied the invitation carefully I turned to Euphir, the usual guard with whom I usually chatted when I went up to the castle.

"Do you know if it will be maintained ? I heard from Elik this morning that there had been an incident but since I received no word saying that it was cancelled or put off I thought it wouldn't do any harm to show up anyway. The worst you could do is turn me away. It's better than being perceived as rude and insulting by the royal family..." I bit my lip and gave myself an air of innocent worry. As though my only concern was being seen as rude. Euphir face grew drawn and perplexed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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