Chapter 4

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I apologize if it's slightly shorter. In my haste to get this up before the vacation the ending may seem a bit wierd. If you have any questions, ideas, remarks or just dying to say something don't hesitate to comment !

Oh and vote to show me you appreciate it !

Chapter Four :

The paths we took through the Mountains were long and difficult. It was cold and wet and it took us 4 days to reach the other side. We camped in the snow or in caves when we could find one. We had the misfortune of running into a bad blizzard which delayed us. And while I can say I was thoroughly miserable, wet and tired. Not to mention freezing. I can also honestly say I have never seen anything equivalent to the wonders I saw there. Once the blizzard had abated we were met with the most beautiful views. It was a sight.

Near the end of our trek through the Mountains, while we were still very high up, we came upon a ledge from which we could see all of Estersea on one side and all of Erannir, Agano and Itycum.  The whole world seemed to stretch out at our feet. It was a breathtaking sight that I shan't soon forget.

"No matter how many times I take this path or journey through these mountains, the view never ceases to dazzle me." The guide said softly, approaching me. "At dawn and sunset is when it's the most spectacular. We have a few hours till then but if you're in no hurry we can stop here for the night and cherish the view a little longer." His offer was so tempting but...I had a mission to complete quickly. Then again, even by staying here a little longer I'll arrive in Mallartya much earlier than I would have taking the normal path AROUND the Danavaia Mountains.

"That sounds wonderful. Let's stay here a while longer." I decided with a smile.

The mission could wait a little. This moment is my own to use as I will.

He hadn't lied. The mountains at sunset gave you the impression of being in some holy place if not heaven itself. The second the dying sun's rays touched the snow an explosion of color appeared all around us. The declining light would reflect upon the snow and make it glow, illuminating everything. The whole mountains seemed bathed in a golden light. It was dazzling. The whole place was shining and bathed in warm golden light. I couldn't feel the cold and it seemed like I had lost the ability to breathe. While the lands below us succumbed to darkness, the Mountains seemed to glow ever brighter, like a beacon of light and hope during dark times. In that moment it seemed like anything was possible.

 The very mountains seemed to shine with an inner light that almost appeared brighter than the sun itself.

I was in awe. I remained still and silent until the sun had slipped behind the horizon and everything was bathed in the darkness of night. Even then it still felt like I could see the snow sparkling brighter than usual. The moment was so fleeting and fragile, it seemed to me that a single word would shatter the illusion and disturb the peace. Slowly I recovered from an experience I could never describe in words. It was some time later before I could murmur some questions to the guide. He watched me with an understanding gleam in his eyes and let me recover in peace.

"That was....indescribable. Thank you." I murmured, still under the spell.

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