Chapter 9 part one

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Chapter 9 :

I grabbed the small parchment curiously, I already had an inkling of what it could be. Gently untying the ribbon I brought the candle closer to read the letter. A slow smile spread across my face as I read my instructions. This mission was to be put on hold, I had a new target now.

I wasn't abandoning this mission though obviously. This new one seemed very simple, it wouldn't take long at all. Maybe a week or so. I was already planning it all in my head. I would announce my departure on the morrow and leave in two days time.

Whoever the girl I was sent to kill was must have done something to really annoy King Zain. His missive was full of fury -I could almost feel the anger radiating off the page- and he had made it clear that she was to be taken care of immediately. He rarely went so berserk as to pull me off a mission to send me somewhere else. Well, Zain is mad after all. There's no accounting for his actions.

I pulled myself out of my musings and started working out all the details of this mission. It was done rather quickly but I preferred not to leave too much to chance. Nothing ever goes as planned but Chance is not your friend either. I'm always expecting the unexpected so that I can take everything gods and men choose to throw at me in stride.

Satisfied that I had worked out the logistics, I went over to my desk and pulled out ink, a feather and a new piece of parchment. It took just a few words to say that I had gotten the message and would set out in a day or so. I also included the date by which I expected to be back in Estersea, the mission completed. I used the Herald's unique seal to close the letter. The king would know it was really from me that way. It was a precaution he insisted on.

I stepped out onto the small balcony shivering in the cool night air. My eyes searched the sky but I couldn't spot it in the dark. Finally I heard the rustling of wings and lifted my arm to receive King Zain's prized falcon. I swiftly tied my letter to it's leg before promptly sending it off again.

I expected that it would take a few days for the letter to reach the King. Hopefully I would be back with another successful endeavor to boast of by the time I received his response.

I woke early the next morning in order to set everything in motion. I informed my brother of my imminent departure before he left to relieve the guards that had gotten the night watch. It didn't sit very well with him. Our argument made him late, I had no doubt he would get some trouble for it but Elik seemed to think he could control me.

Whatever made him believe that he had the slightest authority over me I'll never know but I quickly cleared up THAT misunderstanding. The poor man had seemed to think I was asking for his permission. Like I needed anyone's permission to do what I please. He had a fit when I told him that he couldn't stop me and that I would be leaving whether he liked it or not.

Elik may be my brother but he's starting to get on my nerves. If he keeps antagonizing me I'll probably end up killing him. Maybe this break is a good thing after all. I've never spent so much time close to my siblings and I was starting to crack. I didn't really want to kill him but I couldn't be held responsible for my actions if he angered me. He had stormed off angrily to the castle.

It was much simpler to inform the house staff of my departure early the next morning. They followed my instructions perfectly. I had no doubt everything would be ready by tomorrow.

I was surprised when around midday a maid told me someone had called for me and was awaiting my leisure in the small drawing room. I had to admit that I was curious as to who would be calling on me at this hour. It wasn't like I had any friends.

I was surprised to find the dirty little boy from the market standing rather awkwardly in the drawing room. My brother's home wasn't all that grand but it was still appropriate for lower class lord. The boy had probably never set foot in such a luxurious place.

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