Chapter 1

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Chapter One :  

My lady in waiting woke me up early today as I had asked. There was much to attend to, first there was Tea with the Ladies of Brunhill and Darylynn followed by a ball thrown by the Countess of Hunsterdam and an audience with the king. I would have preferred to stay in bed on account of my recent journey but I was never one to be idle and the Ton had certain expectations. I pushed my fatigue away and bathed before calling in my lady in waiting to help me tie my corset. As always she made idle chatter but she, along with the ladies of the ton, was a good source of information which is why I still kept her around.

“How was your journey my lady Fallon? Was your sister and her husband well?”

“It was tiring but I do believe the fresh air did me well. My sister is expecting yet another babe.” I said slightly breathless from the sudden restriction of air brought on by my corset.

“Oh yes you seem much refreshed and happy then when you left! The seaside air must have blown all your worries away. Is her ladyship really expecting another? She has been married but five years!” Sarah exclaimed in a jolly fashion. She was still unmarried, much like me I might add. My sister wrote to me to announce her pregnancy and berate me for having the luxury of being at court yet not choosing a husband. I had had several offers but a husband would only get in the way of my freedom. I'd probably murder him on the first day.

 Still I believe the fresh air didn’t do much for me but I didn’t have the heart to tell Sarah that murder was behind my high spirits. That would just traumatize the girl and I would have to dispose of her before word got around. No it was too much hassle, let the chit believe what she will.

“Indeed. For an arranged marriage my sister seems to have gotten by all right. She still claims she does not love him yet this is her third child. I do not think Sarah, that my sister is as unhappy as she claims.”

“With all due respect my lady, her husband has many rights and claims over her. She may be unhappy and unloved yet still bear him many babes.”

“I have not forgotten. Yet I have seen it all before, in arranged marriages the men stay with their wives only until she provides him an heir. After that they go to their mistresses. My sister already has two sons. Her husband needn’t have gone to her again unless there was affection between them.” I had seen them interact as well, they enjoyed each others company. I don’t understand. We don’t NEED men and love is for fools. It makes you vulnerable. Why would I be prey when being the hunter brings me such delight? Why should I stoop so low as to love?

The day passed by uneventfully. The ladies wished to hear all about my trip before giving me all the gossip I had missed. Lady Myschiefe happened to be there and did all she could to annoy me while remaining polite. The lady disliked me with a passion and took every occasion to needle me. It was rather amusing, the lady had neither the wits nor strength to compete with me and she never managed to anger me despite her best efforts. She only managed to prove herself more the fool to society.

The ball was amusing and passed by rather quickly. Men seemed to enjoy having me dismiss them as they never ceased to approach me. I tell you, fools the lot of them. The clock struck nine before I invited myself into the king’s study. He wasn’t at all surprised to see me although slightly angry.

“Why did you not report to me earlier ?” He demanded. I smirked; impatience was one of his weak points. I was one of the few who did not fear this king just as he did not fear me. I loved that I stroked more fear into people’s hearts than he did.

“I come when I please.”

“How was the mission ?” He knew I was testing him but he was used to it. I was the only one who could get away with so much. We understood each other. King Zain was one of the cruelest beings this earth had ever seen. Moreover he was the ruler of a big and prosper country. His military power was enormous. As it was he happened to be greedy and paranoid. King Zain believed his rule to be divine; he thought he needed a bigger kingdom and that the other countries were plotting against him out of jealousy. He‘s mad it’s true but I don’t care. He understands my need for blood and independence. Ever since I stayed at court, while my siblings and only family lived away, he had taken an interest in me and realized what I wanted, what I needed. We've had an arrangement ever since. He could and did send me out on missions which I thoroughly enjoyed. I retrieved information, killed enemies and acted as a spy for him but I had no particular loyalty for him. Merely he offered me the chances to do what I enjoyed the most and protected me from the law in his kingdom and in others. This suited us both. I was no threat to him and I knew I was a huge asset he would give much to keep. But I wasn’t so naïve as to believe myself indispensable. If a situation arose in which he needed to sever ties with me I knew he wouldn’t hesitate.

“It was fine. The man wasn’t very fun to play with though. The people in Iburion aren’t preparing an attack although they are afraid you might be. As such they are taking defensive measures. They’re all extensively detailed in this parchment.” I answered carelessly. I knew he would be satisfied; I always do a perfect job.

“Impeccable as always. Leave that here, I’ll go through it later.  When I’ll have another assignment for you I’ll contact you in the usual way. Enjoy the ball.” I could already see that his attention wasn’t on me anymore. The dismissal was clear, I curtsied and rejoined the party before retiring home. I disposed of a bothersome drunk on the way, as soon as he realized that he was going to die, he begged to live for his family’s sake. I just laughed and told him people die everyday, especially when they’re lower class drunkards. The sight of his blood left me with a wonderful satisfaction unrivaled by anything else. There’s no place like home.

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