Chapter 3

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Finally updated ! Now I'm very unhappy with this chapter and it's more of a filler but you deserved an update. I'll come back and edit it later, probably when I'm finished with the book. And I'll be going on vacation for a bit so you might not get any updates for a while. 

Have a nice read =D


This was mind numbingly boring. I know wars can last a while but this was terrible. Even the novelty of taking a new life in battle had worn off. Of course that was when we were actually fighting. Most of the time we were either walking or waiting. It’s been two weeks since I’ve even seen blood. And even longer since my last battle. Yet I still have to stay here to protect Captain Dryden from the evening air. What a challenge.

It’s a miracle I haven’t already gone mad. The only thing that has managed to keep my bloodlust in check is that I tracked the soldier who had told the story about seeing the Herald of Death.

Disguised, obviously, I made him tell me what he knew which wasn’t very hard. I took my time disposing of him. He was my first toy in a long time, it felt so wonderful going back to my hobby again. I thoroughly enjoyed his pain and fear, I thrived off of it as if it was the only thing keeping me alive.

It was also fun to see the havoc my present left in the camp the next morning. I didn’t know some men had such high-pitched voices. I had left the body and a message (to make sure they didn’t mistake this for an enemy raid or something to that effect. I take credit for my kills.). They were all terrified and horrified except for Dryden. He just closed off, got angry at his men for being superstitious and then stayed moody and quiet all day which was a stark contrast to all the fearful whispers going around.

They all knew why he had been killed. My message was very explicit: No better time than night around a Campfire to share rumors. Why wasn’t I invited? And now the men were comforted in their idea that I was all-knowing. Although I’m sure Dryden was coming to another conclusion on his own. I’d be interested to hear it actually. He’s a smart man; it probably wouldn’t be too far from the truth.

Once again my curiosity brought me to him as he stared broodingly into space. “Captain, what do you think of all this Herald of Death business? You didn’t seem afraid before but the men are. Perhaps we should move out before there’s another victim. Not that it would stop him since he seems to know everything…”

“Not you to Mylo! You aren’t about to get scared of him too are you? And he ISN’T all-knowing for gods’ sake!”

“Then how do you explain that he knew what had happened and who to kill? Last I heard he was in Japitrar!”

“That was some time ago already. He has had more than enough time to get here.  As for your first question I have a few ideas already. The Herald could have been spying on us although that appears improbable since he would have no motive unless he lent his skills to Eulion. It’s not likely but possible nonetheless. It could also be pure coincidence. He was passing through noticed the troops and decided to slip by quietly. In doing so he heard us talking about him and approached curiously. Then he decided to have his fun and scare us before continuing his journey. See ? There are many possible explanations for being here, some more likely than others.”

“But do you believe any of those explanations Captain? What do YOU think he was doing here? You’ve obviously spent the day thinking on it and even if you came up with many possibilities you must believe one is more probable than the others.” I stated trying to convince him to reveal his thoughts to me. I really was impressed by all the reasonable explanations he came up with. This man really did have a fascinating mind for someone with feelings and a conscience.

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