The Herald of Death

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He was a fool. He allowed me into his castle without suspicion and invited me at his table without knowing me out of arrogance. A flattery or two and he was on his knees for me – not that he saw it that way of course. Noblemen and their foolish pride. He believed himself invincible, untouchable and powerful. He had no idea how wrong he was. He didn’t hesitate to be alone in his bedchamber with a stranger. Thrice more the fool ! I would teach him to doubt those who come to you at the dead of night.

The man really was oblivious, even after I pulled out the knife he thought this a jest. I threatened him and still he did not believe. Well…now he does. The fear in his eyes brings a maniacal grin to my face. His pleas fell on deaf ears, Gods how I loved the thrill of the chase and the delight of the kill. Although he didn’t put up much of a fight at all. This noble would have to make up for robbing me of half the fun. Finally I felt the familiar excitement as I realized he didn’t yet know me, even now. He still thought I was a common theif, he definitely wasn’t scared enough yet. I loved how the mere mention of me sent children weeping in fear and men falling to their knees.

“- take it all I don’t care! Just please, please spare me! You don’t have to do this, the king will-“ I interrupted his pathetic whining with a cold laugh. This man was supposed to be a blooded knight of Iburion- a kingdom known for it’s military power and the courage of it’s men during the War of the Fallen. For a heroic knight I wasn’t impressed. Time to see him squirm.

“You think I care for your jewels or king ? Your king and his army cannot touch me. It’s your life I’m after.” The stricken look on his face sent delight coursing through my being. This was utter happiness; I wouldn’t change my life for anything. I fed off of his fear. “Do you know who I am?” I whispered, taunting him. “Do you know why I’m here?”

“N-no… Who are you demon?! Tell me!” His stuttering answer was late in coming. It made me laugh when he tried to sound demanding. I’m sure my eyes were probably gleaming with savage pleasure at his predicament. And I was only getting started. I blew out the candles, plunging the room into darkness.

“Why don’t you guess? I am he who walks unseen yet often I am the last they see afore the end. I walk among men yet I’m not one of them. They see but never suspect. Only one knows my true identity. They say I’m a demon. They say I’m a ghost. They say I’m the devil whom none can kill.  I hide in the night, every shadow conceals my form. Everyone knows my name yet no one knows me. Who am I ?” It was delightful to see his face get paler and paler with every word I spoke until he whimpered in fear. I knew he had finally put the pieces together but I wanted him to say it. “Say my name.”

“Y-you’re Carin od Luch…” Ah so he finally managed to find the courage to say it. He burst into tears a moment later, he clearly knew all about me. Good. Carin od Luch was my name translated in his native tongue, it sounded different in every language and country. I had heard them all but I liked it in this language it sounded harsh, like me. Carin od Luch literally means ‘Herald of Death’. The rumors of my exploits had long since spread into all twelve kingdoms and everywhere people trembled on hearing it mentioned. I was every man’s nightmare, be they king or peasant. “But- that’s not possible! You’re lying!” My attention snapped back to the pitiful being which cowered in front of me.

“And why isn’t it possible? I do not lie.” My voice cut the silence like the crack of a whip and he flinched at the cold ruthlessness hidden in those velvet tones. It seemed he lost his nerve and was too scared to answer. As well he should be. I would teach him to doubt me.


An hour later I cleaned the blood off my knife before strolling casually out of the house. The man's servants would take care of the mess in the morning. The lord had yielded the information I desired as I knew he indubitably would. No man wished to die for the sake of a secret.

 Not that it saved him at all. The coward deserved to die, it would have been a crime to let such a foolish man live. Besides he had it coming to him, chauvinistic pig that he was. He –like most males out there- believed himself superior to women. Women were only defenseless toys to protect and play with. Most unfortunately I was the one to play with him. Men’s arrogance was in fact my biggest disguise. No one would ever dream that the Herald of Death might be a woman, let alone a gentle lady.

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