Chapter 8

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I'm SO SO sorry for this terribly late update ! I DO realize that it has been MONTHS. I nearly had an update ready for you at the start of December but then I got caught up in some school problems. To make up for the delay I had planned to give you guys a double update for christmas. Or New Years... Until I finally gave up on the idea of a double update, it was only making me procrastinate more ! Anyway here it is !


It had been a week since Dryden first allowed me entry into the castle and I was making terribly slow progress. I hadn't seen Dryden much but he always seemed to be around whenever I wished him away. That man had a terrible sense of timing.

 Everyday I would bring Elik his meal during his break, I was quite well known among the soldiers now. The guards always let me pass without question, sometimes they would make joke to which I would smile sweetly like the good girl they thought I was.

Elik's friends were quite jealous that he got a girl bringing him good food while they had the traditional meal guards ate while on duty. Nourishing but not satisfying. Moreover I wasn't a hag, so the atmosphere in the guards' dining room was always a joking and festive one when I was around. 

Because I was an unmarried women the men liked flirt as if they had a chance. Several of Elik's friends joked about marrying me which made my brother act all protective the first few times. Now he just laughed and pretended to hand me over – which always led to his head making contact with my hand funnily enough.

Just because his friends were a merry lot didn't mean they weren't good at what they did, quite the contrary. I had done well to get where I was with them but I couldn't afford to be careless.

The Mad king wasn't in a big hurry for me to finish this mission, even he knew these missions could prove to be quite lengthy if they were going to be done properly – there's no fun in just barging in dressed as the Herald and killing the victim. It also makes it so much easier to fall in a trap or get killed. That's just not how I operate, there's no excitement, no thinking and no finesse.

What characterizes The Herald of Death is that no one usually knows how he gets in or out. I love the feeling of satisfaction I get when I bypass all the security measures taken specifically to keep me out. Beating them at their own game because there is ALWAYS a way in, always a flaw. Finding it is the hard part but it's also what I live for.

Still, Lord Zain could always get impatient which would just make things unpleasant. Which was why I resolved to try taking another risk today.

Thrice already I had tried to deviate from my usual route in the castle to explore more of it but there was always someone to tell me that I was taking a wrong turn. Their annoying voices saying “The gate is that way miss” with that 'holier than thou' attitude. If I was caught again then the guards might get suspicious enough to report it. But there was no other way to make any progress on this mission ! None that weren't even more dangerous at least.

With that in mind I grabbed the usual basket and went to meet Elik. The guards at the gate started their theatrics once they recognized me.

“A beautiful sight on such a fine morning. Off to give your lucky brother his lunch I presume ? The git doesn't deserve you.” The palace guard flirted.

“My lady, would you make an honest man of me ? I might die if I cannot get anymore of the delicious pies you bring.” The other asked dramatically.

“Good morning to you too Sir Jared. I am indeed about to bring my brother his supper. I have to earn my keep after all. I must be going now, wouldn't want it to get cold” I stated with a fake smile while the man groaned in jealousy. I turned right before entering the castle and called back “Sir Euphir ! I must reject your offer as making you an honest man would be an impossible task !”

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