Chapter 7

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My brother and I spent much time discoursing on the first night of my return. The candles had burned out and the servants had already gone to bed afore we were quite finished. We hadn't seen each other in years and our few letters could never have the same effect as a true discussion. Elick had much to say and I listened religiously. We must have broached every topic that night.

  "So I see you survived the war with Eulion. I have to say I was slightly worried that I might come all this way only to find an empty house." I teased with a small smile. I also wanted to know his views on the current state of things.

  "As well you should have been. You seem to ignore the consequences of your actions sometimes." Elick replied with a grave countenance "If I had been sent to the front and died there what would you have done ? Lucky for you I was with the castle guard, you may thank Captain Dryden for that. He assigned me to the king's protection."  

"Like I'll ever thank him for anything." I sniffed a bit peeved. "He has done naught but hinder me and still he continues. He has now got this silly notion to impress me. I insulted his pride apparently. I would be content to never see him again." Elick stayed silent for a bit, lost in thought before a resigned sigh echoed in the empty room.  

"You always were something else Fallon. But since our father died you've been untameable and free-spirited. Unusual traits in women not to mention your stubborness. But these make you all the more admirable. I know you'll never let anything hold you back. Captain Dryden is a good man, try to be nice to him. Try to be indulgeant." 

  "I make no promises."

  "I pity the man who'll end up as your husband." my brother teased "The hour is late and I'm on watch early tomorrow. I'll retire now. Good night Fallon." He had no idea how much his mentioning a husband for me made my temper rise. Blissfully ignorent of how much I had to restrain myself for his sake. He spoke of it as of a certain event and I was sure he would pester me with it again before my departure. He had no idea that I never intended to marry anyone ! Husbands are useless cumbersome things which try to control everything.  

"Good night." I watched him leave but stayed in the sitting room longer still. Just watching the last candle wane, it's flickering light casting shadows on the wall. I was calmer now, I had quite returned to my senses. I sat there a while absorbed in my thoughts and plans.  

I needed a strategy to kill the target but that would require surveillance and a better comprehension of the security. My brother would help, unknowingly that's true but he's part of the castle guard. It would require tact, finesse and subtlety to get him to divulge the information I needed without arousing his suspicion. All of this was obvious and ready to set in motion very soon.  But first I needed familiarity, to be known by the guards enough to pass unnoticed. I had to become a usual occurence. I could always start by bringing my brother food while on duty but I need to accompany him first so as to be introduced to his comrades.  

But what of the morrow ? Senseless to lose one day yet there is nothing that can be done as of yet. Tired, I blew out the candle and retired. I went to bed resigned to wait and see what tomorrow would bring. I would go from there with what was allotted to me. Time and circumstance can do a lot for a person after all.   Some of the best plans can go astray whilst the unexpected may bring more than one could ever have been hoped for

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The sun was still low in the sky when I awoke but I already knew my brother was long gone. Only the servants and I remained. I broke my fast before leaving the house as well. So far there seemed little to be done so I had resolved to explore the city and get some notion of the capital's security. I would go from there and get a rough idea of how best to enter the castle both in disguise and not. Then escape routes would be planned and then I'd have to scope out the interior of the palace in disguise, etc...  

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