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    It is currently the 21st of September 2022 and Y/n was walking back home from her shift in her new job. She was practically dragging herself to her small house that was nearly 20 minutes away from her work place. It was a very long day.

   First Y/ns day seemed to be normal but she had this feeling in her gut that told her it wont be a very normal day. The first disaster happened around 9 am when her boyfriend, James, called the said girl.

  Y/n pov

   I woke up to the sound of my ringtone. Who would be calling me this early in da fooking morning?! But when I reached for my phone, the time on my clock read 8:37 in the morning. Oh. Never mind.

   I looked at the called Id and it just said 'My Hubby' and thats when I remembered I had a boyfriend.

   "Hello?" I said picking up.


   "What's up?"

   "...So you remember the party a went to yesterday?" Bad start "So... you know what? I'll just say it. You're a slut and a bitch I don't even know how I managed to be with you for more then max three weeks. Your So Whiny and bitchy. And so I slept with this other girl, Maddison, and it was amazing. Nothing like what you could do. So that's it. We're done. Don't call. Don't text. Don't even bother giving all my things back to me. Because, honestly, I just dont give a single shit anymore." Then a pause. "Any last words?"

   Just to take the micky out of him, I began laughing like i never have before. "Bitch I don't give a shit." Was all I managed to say in between my forced laughs.

   I was hurt. Hurt by the terrible truth. And what made it even worse it that he was the one to say it.

   Silence. He didn't say anything. So I just hung up and threw myself back to bed. My mascara from yesterday smuging as I cried my eyes out.

   It not exactly that I loved James, but he was my friend, someone I could tell anything and I wouldn't be judged. So yeah, it hurt.


   I slamed my front door shut and threw my bag on the floor. My boss let me off early today as she could see what terrible state I was in. She told me to get some rest and come back only when I'm ready. And so that means I'll never come back.

   For the next few hours I wanted to be a sterotypical girl after a break up. Which means ice cream, blankets and Netflix. I decided to do that until late then go outside And take a late night walk.

*****time Skip coz I have no ideas*

   It is currently 9:38pm and I just finished watching '5 Feet apart' and I was all in tears.

   I wipped the tears off my face and went to get cleaned up in my bathroom. I washed my face and had a quick shower, not touching my hair just yet. After I dried my body, I put my hair in a messy bun. And left the house.


I looked down at my phone and read the message. 'Hey, babe. I'm sorry for what I said this morning I didn't mean it. Please answer.' I have been getting these notification for the whole movie of '5 Feet Apart'. At last I finally decided to answer him. So I took my phone and texted him and put it away.

'Fuck off. You hurt me enough.'

Then there was another notification. I rolled my eyes and read the text message which said 'Come on. Look, I'm giving you chance to have me back. I'm your only option. No one else will want you.' At this point I was furious.

'I don't really care if your my 'last fucking option'. I'd rather die alone then being with a bastard like you' I sent the message then blocked and deleted his number.

I went through my phone to see if anyone else texted me. Nothing. Snapchat, nothing. WhatsApp, also nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Maybe James is right, no one wants me. No one.

My eyes began stinging and tears starting forming in my eyes. I had to blink them back. I cried enough because of this asshole.

But when I looked around again, I saw trees all around me. I frowned and panic rose in me. I don't know where I am. I looked around more for anything that I might know. Anything. But there was nothing. I wondered around looking for a way I could get back home.

Oh, shit! I realised I had my phone the whole time. I tried and it said no connection. What the fuck? I had connection just a second ago. And you don't even need internet to call 911!

I continued to try, even though I knew it wouldn't work. That's when I tripped over a rock and began falling expecting a hard landing. But that never came.


This is terrible Ik don't say but that don't matter you get the point. thank you and see you in the next chapter which will hopefully be much better.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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