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(???'s POV)

He walked past the news vendor casually having a nice morning greeting to the fellow, slipping a newspaper swiftly into his coat as he glanced lightly at the old crooked building of the commons folk. Find solace in what you know the people of the slums can never achieve, a dark thought but nobody could care for each other in this dark world. "Hmm?" He looked at the almost simple yet glamorous architecture of the church walls as another protest was held at the large doors of the church, it would be more appropriate to call it a temple dedicated to the deities and that the priests are their nice little luxurious little servants. Annoying greedy rodents, all of those priests. He flexed his hand grabbing a pebble from the dirt below chucking it in the air feeling the amount of weight before pelting it at a protester, certainly got the protest more entertaining he'd love to watch but he had better things to do like search up on those priests sudden prophecy on the return of the deities. "Kahh..How bothersome, My cute little nephews are going to be so worried if their cool uncle doesn't go home soon~" He grinned thinking of two tiny faces who pouted with grievances, the winds were especially harsh today but blankets are hard to steal especially from those Silk Weavers. Old hogs, they like to make noises when it's over the smallest thing people who didn't do nothing wrong received death penalty from the Kingdom Alliance due to those Silk Weavers.

Silk Weavers were an unfathomable existence to commoners, slum people and migrants. They were the biggest silk merchants in the market all over Oraxis and their position in the kingdoms can't be startled easily, many prestigious people would call the Silk Weavers a 'snake' due to their cunning lethality in politic's and economic development, Silk Weavers were poison to the Kingdoms Alliance because of their existence was too vital. Same goes for the church or the Deities lackeys, the church was an immovable existence since the beginning they were the biggest problem and root to the foundation of all the kingdoms. "No use of thinking of such stuff, never gonna get involved so why bother?" He rubbed the back of his neck "Heya Montez? New things for sale in your little bug hut yet? HAHAHA!!!" A sleazy voice that Montez had the urge to immediately and 'politely' impact his skeletal palm into their disgusting face.

"Sir Wanqif, What a surprise! I didn't expect such a miracle to occur to me today by encountering your esteemed self." Montez felt like vomiting after flattering this guy, a loan shark and the biggest antique seller and buyer in the town, a local tyrant, Edward Wanqif. "Yes, Yes..It's quite noble for you exiled bastards to meet somebody whose a real and contributing member of our 'lovely' kingdom. Afterall your traitorous kin should've long been wiped out the moment they betrayed his royal majesty." Wanqif was an infuriatingly sleazy man who Montez would love to murder at least twice over at this point, because this is the man who ultimately caused his remaining brethren to starve and cannibalize themselves to death in hopes of surviving. Then he came to give Montez a 'saving grace'  a savage one-sided deal and now he owes this damned guy too much money he won't ever have the lifetime to repay, this issue haunts him and strictly annoyed Montez mainly due to having a direct affect on his two cute nephews.."Yes...Indeed." Montez felt really strained by talking to such a vile individual, the disgusting arrogance reminded Montez of his nasty older brother, same amount of sleazy shit that he could not stand.

The locals then became increasingly loud it seems the guards were deployed for a riot, "Well Sir Wanqif, It was a pleasure talking and catching up with you but this is my cue to leave." Montez quickly left before he could get a reply or even a reaction Afterall a Cassowary is very swift and strong. Montez finally got home checking on his nephews who was still asleep thankfully, "Glad they're sleeping through this ruckus..Don't need any unfavourable situations to occur." Montez was the only survivor of the Cassowary clan that he knew of other than his two nephews, Montez then drew his attention to the bamboo slips Infront of him and began to carve words into them with a sharpened stone completing sentence after sentence. The Church recently became noisy and even high profile compared to before and began to spread some interesting gossip around the Kingdom Alliance but was quickly retaliated against, however the news still got out. News of the return of the Deities, everybody suspects the church is becoming insane to their very doubtful beliefs, since Deities to the current people both noble and slums to the coldest of exiles believe that they are myths and old stories this is what caused Montez to become slightly interested in this gossip. Because the Church is not stupid being the only other wielders of magic other than fairies they are a force that can take the kingdoms into a full blown global war if they wanted to, however recently due to a discovery of processing magical weapons and artefacts using fairy limbs and blood the Kingdom Alliance has become bolder especially after they discovered if they eat limbs or body parts of the fairy especially the wings they can gain the slight temporary usage of magic. This is what disgustingly invented the Fairy Hunting Law, processed and detailed by the Kingdom Alliance and some other parties that his intelligence couldn't reach afterall he was a person in exile.

Montez heard tiny giggles from behind the door and craned his head to the side looking through the crack of the door finding a child doing a hush motion towards the smaller, "What are you two small imps trying to do by sneaking up on your cool and awesome uncle?" Montez opened the door widely making the children freeze. Their tufted cat like ears that were short and fluffy were raised before laughter and enjoyment spread on the children's faces who launched themselves over towards their uncle, Montez's long whip like tail curled on the floor in mild amusement at this cute display of affection his ears flicked as a cocky grin appeared on his face. Montez cuddled the two energetic balls of fluff, forgetting the important work behind him as he led the two towards the kitchen to prepare them some late breakfast.

Montez enjoyed this peaceful atmosphere, it was something ______ certainly would've loved. "Crimson don't eat the cutlery!" Montez panicked as Crimson the youngest of the two tried to eat the cutlery on the table, mainly the spoons thinking of it as a chewable item. The soft sunlight glimmered through the home as Montez started his day officially, it was during this..He wondered how ______ was doing? Was he even alive and safe? Montez felt like he had to keep being patient, his non-existent guy was telling him that he'd meet ______ again but not right now.


Oh yea-- Mhm, Guess whose back readers! The Author! With the rewrite? I bet your all excited huh? I've kept you waiting for so long, but I hope you enjoyed the prologue.

Especially the surprise appearance of an old character and a few new names...I wonder what the rewrite has in stall for us?

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