Chapter 7//Pro Gamer Error

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(Error's POV)

Error looked at the clock trying to discern its symbols while comparing it too the clocks he knew and frowned "What are you doing?" Murder crouched beside Error startling him before he grumbled curses and looked at the clock in his hand squinting, Murder was finding himself ignored but he didn't find himself caring too much as he looked at Error then at the clock trying to discover whatever was making Error so focused, this guy was shy and a person who didn't like touching so Murder couldn't really do anything without making the other uncomfortable its possible this guy suffers from social anxiety from the amount of limited words and type of monotone voice on most occasions. Murder sat there for an hour before it clicked "You can't read numerals?" Murder was rather surprised as Error looked at him before looking away with a huff "You actaully can't read!" Murder felt like a bookcase fell on him and his mind began to spin, Murder shook his head dismissing the dizzying thoughts "Your trying to read the clock? or the clock hands?" Murder felt like he should teach Error some type of literacy at the very least.

Error had excellent memory after he formed but before that was a complete mystery to him, Error had never been completely literate and Nightmare began to teach him however he found it very eluding, what a weird language of literacy. Error couldn't understand why it had felt strange to him at the time but he could somewhat understand now, that woman, his mother? brought him back home to an entirely foreign multiverse from what he remembered however despite it being foreign it felt more natural to him, the magic here didn't feel as rejecting and clogging. "This here is 1, meaning either one in the morning or in the afternoon depending on the time the sunsets or rises on the horizon." Murder's explanation was the same as Nightmare's but Error felt more fluent in learning this dialect than the one originally learned finding himself actaully understanding actaully gradually made him excited rather eager to learn, this made him want to display the things he just learned little to his knowledge his excitement made a wide grin appear on his face.

Murder looked at Error and froze feeling confused before sighing feeling relaxed and amused before continuing onto his lecture, however a few faces were peeking into the room through the doorway as they intently watched the interaction. Error was turning the clock hand and looking at the bright sun in the distance with a joyful expression while Murder's words echoed through his mind and he looked at the clock and began to verbally repeat both Murder's actions and words, "This is 1...If the sun just risen before the middle sun then it is morning, if the sun has hit midday and goes into sunset it is afternoon. Then the moon shines and repeats the cycle like the sun." Error found this system similiar to the one he was taught before aswell however the days here go for 28 hours instead of 24 meaning it was longer by 4 hours compared to the other multiverse such a difference made him question something. If time here was longer, did that mean his supposed mother had to wait much longer than ordinary to rescue him? time in the other multiverse is definitely faster and considering he was eons old alongside Ink, Dream and Nightmare that meant his mother spent much more time alone and mourning to get him back? this made Error feel uncomfortable, he was already indirectly hurting somebody the moment his memories were taken and formed into something different.

Error hid into his scarf feeling thoughtful, he didn't like mulling over things but many things had happened recently that he needed to disgest especially after recalling his emotional episode on that woman who claims to be his mother, he hoped that woman had not decieved him and was being truthful because he didn't know how he would break even further if her supposed truth were lies. Murder looked at Eclipse with worry before glancing back at Error's thoughtful back "Do you think he's okay..? He's been rather quiet," Murder had been rather attentive towards Error after learning his personality was more shy and even childish in some places, it seemed weird considering all the scars and multiple chipping on the others body and skull, his personality did not match his appearence that made Murder curious on Error's backstory just as much as Eclipse's.

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