Chapter 14//Sudden Fatherhood Yet Again

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(Error's POV)

Error jolted awake as he felt shuffling in his hands, he looked down to see the duckling quacking softly at the sky loudly "I'm here.." Error pat the duckling's head softly with slight worry, Error looked at the clock on the wall and tried to remember which symbol represented which numeral but decided to look outside again to see it was nearly dawn. "I must've slept for a while.." He was surprised, he actaully slept for more than 2 hours, or it could actaully be due to the fact that there was a massive cuddle pile in the corner of his room and one of the cuddle bugs named Eclipse were unconsciously radiating powerful doses of sleeping magic, Error couldn't blame Eclipse entirely it was a similiar thing to Nightmare it was rare they got to sleep and when they do their magic tries to expend as much magic as possible in their sleep so they sleep longer and gain back as much magic as possible.

Error rubbed his skull with a repetitive soothing motion, he looked at his clothing which was still covered in that groups blood and hummed softly. "I should get changed.." Error got up making his way to the wardrobe and began to look over its contents wondering which one he should wear before picking out an outfit, but paused looking at the cuddle group who was still fast asleep "...I'll change elsewhere," Error then walked out of the room with the clothing and the duckling. Half an hour later Error was sitting on the couch knitting thinking intently on a name for the duckling, he looked around the room and found something glitter at the corner of his eye, a glass triangle with a single reflected on it that split into a rainbow on the other end "Prism?" Error paused in his knitting for a moment glancing at the duckling who was once again asleep.

"..I'll take your silence as your agreement on the name." Error nodded as he continued his knitting, when he had finished and lifted it into the air to observe and see if there was any mistakes he found the shape off but then again he had never made anything for an animal except perhaps cats since Nightmare had a soft spot for them at times. Suddenly Error heard the soft jingle of bells, it sounded melodic and strange "Bells..?" Error tried to locate the source of the noise with mild curiousity after all it was a rare sound for Error to hear, to an extent these bells also sounded awfully familiar to him but he couldn't exactly place his finger on it, Error as he followed the sound of bells found himself standing in a garden filled with dim, soft moonlight that seemed to dance and move around the garden in a beautiful movement.

The leaves of the garden gleamed with a soft silver glow that Error couldn't help but admire as he stuck out his hand to touch the leaves he suddenly found himself pulled into an entirely different landscape, "What..?" Error felt alarmed as he stanced himself for an attack or ambush only the hear bells again except louder and much more close. Error felt the land underneath him shift as he began to fall deep into darkness for some reason this made his soul leap in fear before he harshly collided with the ground making him groan in pain, he dazedly grasped his skull slightly surprised that the impact was so awfully hard, the ground underneath him was awfully soft yet desolate of any signs of life, just brown dirt everywhere. "Where..? Where am I?" Error wasn't even sure if he was still in the garden at this point or if he was just hallucinating really badly because it looks like he jst fell into an entirely different world, "Dad!" A voice called out making Error turn towards it as he felt himself be embraced but strangely enough, he didn't dislike it.

A dark boned skeleton just like him was hugging him, a beautiful green rectangle shape on both his cheeks and familiar eyes that Error found himself distracted in, "Who are you?" Error wanted to remove the skeleton from himself yet he also wanted them to stay, he didn't like this complicated feeling it was similiar to Nightmare but it also felt vastly different. The skeleton looked up at him with confused eyes "Do...Do you not remember me dad..?" the skeleton spoke with anxiousness "Am I suppose too..?" Error questioned before he finally registered what his title was to this person, "Wait..Did you just call me Dad?" Error shoved the skeleton away in the mist of his confusion and doubt, "Why..Why are you?" The skeleton seemed just as confused and lost as he clutched his arm nervously. "Do you really not remember me..Us?" The skeleton clenched his fists as green tears threatened to spill from his sockets, "Do you really not remember..Anything? Father? PJ and Me?" The skeleton clutched his skull seemingly in disbelief and Error felt himself stretch his hand over to the skeleton before he pulled away feeling guilty, Error really could not understand why he was feeling this way.

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